> Alternatively, if the servers in question are under constant memory
> pressure and receive a fair number of updates, they may be
> prioritizing flushing of inserted rows at the expense of updates,
> causing the tablets to retain a great number of WAL segments
> (containing older updates) for durability's sake.

Just an FYI in case it helps confirm or rule it out, this refers to
KUDU-3002 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KUDU-3002>, which will be
fixed in the upcoming release. Can you determine whether your tablet
servers are under memory pressure?

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 11:17 AM Adar Lieber-Dembo <a...@cloudera.com>

> > - the number of open files in the Kudu process in the tablet servers has
> increased to now more than 150,000 (as counted using 'lsof'); we raised the
> limit of maximum number of open files twice already to avoid a crash, but
> we (and our vendor) are concerned that something might not be right with
> such a high number of open files.
> Using lsof, can you figure out which files are open? WAL segments?
> Data files? Something else? Given the high WAL usage, I'm guessing
> it's the former and these are actually one and the same problem, but
> would be good to confirm nonetheless.
> > - in some of the tablet servers the disk space used by the WALs is
> significantly (and concerningly) higher than in most of the other tablet
> servers; we use a 1TB SSD drive (about 950GB usable) to store the WALs on
> each tablet server, and this week was the second time where we saw a tablet
> server almost fill the whole WAL disk. We had to stop and restart the
> tablet server, so its tablets would be migrated to different TS's, and we
> could manually clean up the WALs directory, but this is definitely not
> something we would like to do in the future. We took a look inside the WAL
> directory on that TS before wiping it, and we observed that there were a
> few tablets whose WALs were in excess of 30GB. Another piece of information
> is that the table that the largest of these tablets belong to, receives
> about 15M transactions a day, of which about 25% are new inserts and the
> rest are updates of existing rows.
> Sounds like there are at least several tablets with follower replicas
> that have fallen behind their leaders and are trying to catch up. In
> these situations, a leader will preserve as many WAL segments as
> necessary in order to catch up the lagging follower replica, at least
> until some threshold is reached (at which point the master will bring
> a new replica online and the lagging replica will be evicted). These
> calculations are done in terms of the number of WAL segments; in the
> affected tablets, do you recall how many WAL segment files there were
> before you deleted the directories?
> Alternatively, if the servers in question are under constant memory
> pressure and receive a fair number of updates, they may be
> prioritizing flushing of inserted rows at the expense of updates,
> causing the tablets to retain a great number of WAL segments
> (containing older updates) for durability's sake. If you recall the
> affected tablet IDs, do your logs indicate the nature of the
> background operations performed for those tablets?
> Some of these questions can also be answered via Kudu metrics.There's
> the ops_behind_leader tablet-level metric, which can tell you how far
> behind a replica may be. Unfortunately I can't find a metric for
> average number of WAL segments retained (or a histogram); I thought we
> had that, but maybe not.

Andrew Wong

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