Hi everyone,
We have moved the Kudu JIRA to Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
infrastructure. You can now find all of the Kudu tickets migrated to

The previous Kudu JIRA project on issues.cloudera.org is now retired and
has been marked READ ONLY. Going forward, please use the Kudu ASF JIRA
instance exclusively.

We set up some mappings for user ids -- so if we were able to find your
existing account at issues.apache.org then we linked it up and all of your
comments and assignments should have been carried over to that account.

If we couldn't find a userid mapping for you then, an account was
automatically created with the userid you were using on issues.cloudera.org.
In that case, you will need to go through the password reset process to get
access access to your account, since passwords were not migrated over. Here
is the link for that:

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you see anything that
was missed during the migration.


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