Hi Mike,

First of all, thanks for the link. It looks like an interesting read. I checked 
that Aerospike is currently at version, and in the article, they are 
evaluating version 3.5.4. The main thing that impressed me was their claim that 
they can beat Cassandra and HBase by 8x for writing and 25x for reading. Their 
big claim to fame is that Aerospike can write 1M records per second with only 
50 nodes. I wanted to see if this is real.

To answer your questions, we have a DMP with user profiles with many 
attributes. We create segmentation information off of these attributes to 
classify them. Then, we can target advertising appropriately for our sales 
department. Much of the data processing is for applying models on all or if not 
most of every profile’s attributes to find similarities (nearest 
neighbor/clustering) over a large number of rows when batch processing or a 
small subset of rows for quick online scoring. So, our use case is a typical 
advanced analytics scenario. We have tried HBase, but it doesn’t work well for 
these types of analytics.

I read, that Aerospike in the release notes, they did do many improvements for 
batch and scan operations.

I wonder what your thoughts are for using Kudu for this.


> On May 27, 2016, at 6:21 PM, Mike Percy <mpe...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> Have you considered whether you have a scan heavy or a random access heavy 
> workload? Have you considered whether you always access / update a whole row 
> vs only a partial row? Kudu is a column store so has some awesome performance 
> characteristics when you are doing a lot of scanning of just a couple of 
> columns.
> I don't know the answer to your question but if your concern is performance 
> then I would be interested in seeing comparisons from a perf perspective on 
> certain workloads.
> Finally, a year ago Aerospike did quite poorly in a Jepsen test: 
> https://aphyr.com/posts/324-jepsen-aerospike 
> <https://aphyr.com/posts/324-jepsen-aerospike>
> I wonder if they have addressed any of those issues.
> Mike
> On Friday, May 27, 2016, Benjamin Kim <bbuil...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:bbuil...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I am just curious. How will Kudu compare with Aerospike 
> (http://www.aerospike.com <http://www.aerospike.com/>)? I went to a Spark 
> Roadshow and found out about this piece of software. It appears to fit our 
> use case perfectly since we are an ad-tech company trying to leverage our 
> user profiles data. Plus, it already has a Spark connector and has a SQL-like 
> client. The tables can be accessed using Spark SQL DataFrames and, also, made 
> into SQL tables for direct use with Spark SQL ODBC/JDBC Thriftserver. I see 
> from the work done here http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/#/c/2992/ 
> <http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/#/c/2992/> that the Spark integration is 
> well underway and, from the looks of it lately, almost complete. I would 
> prefer to use Kudu since we are already a Cloudera shop, and Kudu is easy to 
> deploy and configure using Cloudera Manager. I also hope that some of 
> Aerospike’s speed optimization techniques can make it into Kudu in the 
> future, if they have not been already thought of or included.
> Just some thoughts…
> Cheers,
> Ben
> -- 
> --
> Mike Percy
> Software Engineer, Cloudera

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