I found the answer, it because DATE dimension rowkey encode is date. When
executes "select APPID, SUM(IMPS) as imps from EXT_MID_EVENT_JOIN where
"DATE">=1462060800000 and "DATE"<1462147200000 group by APPID order by imps
desc limit 100", it returned right results. Btw, whether the date rowkey
encode is better performace than dictionary encode?

张天生 <zhtsh.lic...@gmail.com>于2016年8月9日周二 下午3:55写道:

> I built a cube, it has 2 dimesions : CAMPAIGNID, DATE, and has 2 measures:
> count(1), topN(100). TOP-N is grouped by APPID and order by/sum
> by IMPS measure. When i queried: select APPID, SUM(IMPS) as imps from
> EXT_MID_EVENT_JOIN where "DATE">='2016-01-01' and "DATE"<'2016-01-08' group
> by APPID order by imps desc limit 100, it returned 0 records. Abviously
> there are a lot of records. Can someone explain why it always returned 0
> records?

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