thank you, it helps.

We have configured the hive from our company, but from the log we can see
ugi is not h_yanghao3 and  no tables read


> kylin.hive.beeline.params=-u
> 'jdbc:hive2://*******/;principal=sql_prc/hadoop@*****.HADOOP' -n
> h_yanghao3



> *2017-06-27 17:34:58,040 INFO  [http-bio-7070-exec-10]
> metastore.HiveMetaStore: Added admin role in metastore*
> *2017-06-27 17:34:58,041 INFO  [http-bio-7070-exec-10]
> metastore.HiveMetaStore: Added public role in metastore*
> *2017-06-27 17:34:58,127 INFO  [http-bio-7070-exec-10]
> metastore.HiveMetaStore: No user is added in admin role, since config is
> empty*
> *2017-06-27 17:34:58,203 INFO  [http-bio-7070-exec-10]
> metastore.HiveMetaStore: 0: get_all_databases**2017-06-27 17:34:58,204
> INFO  [http-bio-7070-exec-10] HiveMetaStore.audit: ugi=grid
> ip=unknown-ip-addr cmd=get_all_databases *

2017-06-27 20:10 GMT+08:00 Billy Liu <>:

> Are you looking for this
> blog/2016/06/10/standalone-hbase-cluster/?
> 2017-06-27 20:07 GMT+08:00 杨浩 <>:
>> Our company have used a hadoop version different from Apache Hadoop, and
>> kerberos is used to keep secure. Our group want to use Kylin, using hive
>> and MR from our company , but the hbase maintained by our team using
>> Apache
>> HBase.  We have used Hive beeline but it cannot read meta info from Hive.
>> Any one knows how to configure or change source code for using standalone
>> Hive、MR?

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