Since 2.1, Kylin consolidates the metadata into one HBase table, so if you
see one 'kylin_metadata', that is expected.

If no message in kylin.log, please check logs/kylin.out ; If no message,
check tomcat/logs to see whether there is any clue.

2017-10-31 11:14 GMT+08:00 Billy Liu <>:

> Could you check the kylin.log first?
> 2017-10-31 10:55 GMT+08:00 lk_kylin <>:
>> hi,all:
>>    I want try kylin , my hadoop version is hdp2.6 , I can run the sample
>> by useing kylin2.0 . but when I try 2.1 with sample, kylin can't load hive
>> table and I found it only create one table kylin_metadata  in hbase。also I
>> did't find error msg from kylin.log
>> 2017-10-31
>> ------------------------------
>> lk_kylin

Best regards,

Shaofeng Shi 史少锋

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