Hi Sonny,

Yes, you can. I did with 1.6 and 2.1 Kylin versions. You have to change on kylin.properties references to hdfs kylin folder, hbase metastore, hbase tables prefix and zookeeper dir.  E.g:

 * kylin.metadata.url=kylin_metadata_*new2*@hbase
 * kylin.env.hdfs-working-dir=hdfs://user/new2
 * kylin.env.zookeeper-base-path=/kylin_*new2*
 * kylin.storage.hbase.table-name-prefix=KYLIN_*new*

I run just one version at time, just for version testing. However you also can configure second instance kylin tomcat to run on other port than 7070, if you would like to run at same time. I do not recommend this scenario unless you have a lot of ram memory available on the machine.


El 12/01/2018 a las 18:10, Sonny Heer escribió:
Kylin users,

Is it possible to run new version of kylin 2.x along side old version 1.6.x ?



*Roberto Tardío Olmos*

/Senior Big Data & Business Intelligence Consultant/
Avenida de Brasil, 17, Planta 16.28020 Madrid
Fijo: 91.788.34.10

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