Hi Gao Michael, 

Could you give a full log about kylin.log located in $KYLIN_HOME/logs/kylin.log.
Let me get the full trace of this error.


Best regards.
Tengting Xu

At 2022-05-19 19:41:20, "Gao Michael" <michael.ga...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Who can Help?


发件人: Gao Michael <michael.ga...@hotmail.com>
发送时间: 2022年5月18日 19:23
收件人: user@kylin.apache.org
主题: File does not exist ....... fairscheduler.xml


Hi all


I got follow error when I try to add table to my kylin project via web 


2022-05-1818:48:37,904INFO  [Thread-7] ui.SparkUI:57 : Bound SparkUI to, and started at http://hadoop-cluster-001:4040

2022-05-1818:48:38,681ERROR [Thread-7] scheduler.FairSchedulableBuilder:94 : 
Error while building the fair scheduler pools

java.io.FileNotFoundException: File does not exist: 


and I’m sure file exist!


ls conf/

fairscheduler.xml              kylin_job_conf_inmem.xml  kylin.properties       
        setenv.sh                      spark-executor-log4j.properties

kylin_hive_conf.xml            kylin_job_conf.xml        
kylin-server-log4j.properties  setenv-tool.sh

kylin_job_conf_cube_merge.xml  kylin-kafka-consumer.xml  
kylin-tools-log4j.properties   spark-driver-log4j.properties


What’s the problem and how to solve? Thanks!

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