Do you check the answer by Hive/SparkSQL, do Hive/SparkSQL give the expected 
If you have checked, I think you can give us you cube defination(CubeDesc in 
Json) and the SQL statement you queried, so we can discuss in detail? 


Best wishes to you ! 
From :Xiaoxiang Yu

At 2023-08-02 04:35:04, "marc nicole" <> wrote:

The measure is of type column (not constant) and is bigint. I selected the 
measure from the dropdown corretly as well. measure column returns 1 for all 
column values instead of actual values when querying the cube. What could be 
the underlying problem? cube or model defining? or maybe data source attribute 

Maybe I should create a lookup table with the fact table (which I am not doing 
so far)?

Why the measure column in query answer is showing only 1 as values ??

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