Peter Neubauer wrote:
Hi Patrik,
there is a lot of commits in your lab, maybe it would be cool to have
a small intro on what you are doing and what the status of the algos

Hi all!

I actually intended to properly introduce myself when my work is added as a component (which was supposed to happen soon), anyway...

For everyone who does not know about my work, I am working on implementing some graph algorithms for Neo. So far the focus has been on finding shortest paths and using that ability to calculate different centrality measures for nodes in a Neo network.

So far regarding shortest paths, there are implementations of Dijkstra to find paths between two given nodes (uses bidirectional search) and also the classic problem of finding the shortest paths from one source node to all others. For unweighted networks, where the relationships have an implicit cost of 1, there is a breadth first search which only differs from Neos BFS traverser in the way that it can find several paths to each node.

Regarding measures and centrality there is so far support for stress centrality, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, eccentricity, network radius and network diameter. (For definitions of these, I refer to wikipedia).

What I am working on right now, except for properly documenting what i have done so far, is experimenting with cutting out parts of a network (like a subgraph). Since I would appreciate some thoughts/feedback on this I will here describe it in more detail.

The issue is this. When doing calculations, doing it on the entire network would just be too much data to handle and take too much time so we need some way of limiting what part of the network we run the calculation on. One way of doing this (partly already supported) is to give each algorithm some kind of limit, for example we can provide our BFS search with a maximum depth to traverse or our Dijkstra with a maximum number of relationships to relax/consider.

The other way of doing this is to first create an in-memory copy of the relevant part of the network, which is what I am working on, and then release the calculation on that.

A number of questions arise, like if we would like to keep relationship types (makes most sense) or be able to rearrange/rename them or truncate them into one combined type.

The most important question however is; how much should we detach this copy from the real network?

Should we make an entirely detached copy so we can make changes to it without affecting the "real" network, for example be able to create the transitive closure or similar? Or should we assume that the algorithm beeing used is supposed to make some change to the real network so we need to reflect these changes down to it?

Any feedback and thoughts on this or any other part of my work (currently in is much appreciated.

This mail became a bit longer than expected, sorry, but thats the way it happened ;)

Patrik Larsson

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