Hi all,


because I regularly get lost in the graphical visualization of my
growing networks of Neo objects, I have added some (very basic) search
facility to the Neoclipse plugin.


It consists of a search page in the common search dialog (in the menu
--> Search... --> Neo4j Search), where a regular expression can be
entered. The search is then performed by traversing through the whole
network, starting from the reference node, and finding all nodes that
have a property that matches the expression. The found nodes will be
listed in the common search result view. A double click on a node in the
list focusses the graph viewer on this node.


Of course, this approach is "brute force" and not sufficient for larger
amounts of data, but it is still better than nothing... ;-)

A better solution could be built upon some indexing service.



Hope someone finds it useful,



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