On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:54 PM, Michael Hunger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When looking at imdb examples the nodes are hold as delegates of the domain 
> objects.
> What is the implication of holding neo nodes from one transaction to another? 
> And whats the best patterns related to that.

I think the behavior will be exactly as you expect it would be, if you
in your mind imagine that the entire node space is kept in an in-RAM
structure. Except your RAM is transactionally safe and persistent. I
say that "I think the behavior will be as you expect," because it may
be that my expectations have shifted after having worked with Neo for
a while. In the (unfinished) Guidelines for Building a Neo App, I talk
a bit about that mindset:


(Needs to be expanded, I know.)

Basically, since all stateful operations are delegated to the
underlying node (rather than mutating instance variables that at some
later stage will be serialized to e.g. SQL), you in essence get
transactional memory for free. This gives you neat features like
rollback of your domain objects as well as improves parallelism
without incurring any new concepts on the developer.

> The same question goes along regarding what are the best strategies of making 
> start nodes for traversal easily
> accessible? By adding them directly to the reference node? By what 
> relationship do you do this normally.

We typically use a subreference pattern, where the
neoService.getReferenceNode() in turn ties in a few (typically <10)
subreference nodes. Subreferences are mentioned in the outdated Design


Have a peek at the convenience neoUtil.getOrCreateSubReferenceNode()
for an implementation:


I like a naming convention on the relationship type to be something
more verbose and descriptive names than many others.

> On single method transactions like in neo-utils. It is sensible to support 
> that as this is certainly degrading
> performance? And if so, wouldn't it be better to have neoservice support it 
> itself (when methods called without tx
> thant create one for just this method). This could be done by having a 
> factory creating neoservices (and not calling
> "new EmbeddedNeo" which I personally dislike. Adding an option to a factory 
> method for creating a decorator around the
> neoservice that automatically starts transactions if there is none running 
> for the single method and finishes them
> afterwards would be simple.

I agree that that is a better solution than reimplementing specific
methods in neo-utils. But the important question, as you point out, is
whether this is a good idea. We debated quite heavily whether we
should have Neo automagically open up a transaction if someone
executed an operation without a transactional context. I was
originally for, because of developer convenience, but at the end we
opted not to.

Today, I feel that that was the right decision: it does have the
drawback of forcing the programmer to deal with transactions. OTOH,
grouping logical business operations into a single cohesive
all-or-nothing unit typically improves the domain layer code, and it
also fixes the potentially gigantic performance hole that results from
running every operation in a separate small transaction.


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