On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Jonny Wray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in the process of moving an application over from an RDF based graph
> store to Neo. So far it's being great but I'm currently hitting a modelling
> question that I'm sure some experience with the technology would help, and
> so I'm asking the group.

Hi Jonny,

I *think* I understand your problem and basically the solution will be
depending on the complexity of the evidence data. If it's fairly
complex, I think injecting a middle node will be the best way. So when
node1 is SIMILAR related (just making this up) to node2, then instead
of the obvious:

   ( node1 ) -- SIMILAR --> ( node2 )

you would model it like this:

   ( node1 ) -- SIMILAR --> ( node14 ) -- SIMILAR --> ( node2 )

Node 14 in this diagram is the middle node, and you an attach whatever
information you want to it, either in the form of properties or for
example separate evidence nodes that aggregate data for a single piece
of evidence and that attach to node14 through e.g. a

But if your evidence data is simple enough, it may be enough to just
connect the nodes with a relationship and then add the data as
key-encoded properties. For example:

   ( node1 ) -- SIMILAR --> ( node2 )

And then on the relationship, you would have properties like:

   evidence1.origin = something
   evidence1.weight = 0.8f
   evidence2.origin = somethingelse
   evidence2.weight = 0.4f

The advantage with the middle node design is that the node space
layout in a sense is more clean and flexible. But it loses out on
intuition and "white-board friendliness."

The advantage with the second layout is that it's the intuitive and
obvious way to model this data. It also keeps the number of primitives
down. The disadvantage is that it's brittle to encode information in
the names of the property keys. (How do you delete one piece of
evidence? Gotta loop through all keys and do string matching. Yuk!)

Which one is the better choice I believe comes down to personal
preference and the specifics of the actual domain.

Does that make sense or did I misunderstand the use case?


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