In Groovy, you can "quote" method names and properties.

So when you have weirdo characters, you can do that instead:

myNode."super - funky + node / name" = "something.

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Mattias Persson
<> wrote:
> Hmm, this thread is probably dead?
> But, I just thought about the:
> = "Mattias"
> myNode.someProperty = "Something else"
> Keep in mind that property keys have no restrictions as to length or
> content which means a property key can contain spaces and '='
> characters and what not. f.ex.
> myNode.a property with spaces in it = "Hello there"
> Wouldn't work, right?
> Could you use the real methods (setProperty/getProperty/hasProperty)
> for such keys instead?
> 2008/12/7 Stig Lau <>:
>> I've tossed up a demo of Neo4J vs Groovy which shows Neo4J running in
>> Groovy with the help of some Maven magic. Sadly nough, I didn't get
>> Guillaume's propositions working, so I'm leaving the ball over to the
>> guys who know Groovy a little better than me.
>> The project is packaged as a Maven Archetype, as a test of improving
>> deployment of sourcecode. Instructions are posted on the blog. The
>> source code is hosted on Mercurial, so feel free to move it to a VCS
>> of choice, as I consider it property of the Neo4J community.
>>        -Stig,
>>> From: "Guillaume Laforge"
>>> Subject: [Neo] Groovy and Neo4J
>>> Hi all,
>>> I had an email exchange with Emil this morning about what Groovy could
>>> bring to using Neo4J. I think using a dynamic language with a graph
>>> database can make a lot of sense, as it's easier to work with a "less
>>> strict" language with semi structured data not requiring heavyweight
>>> set-in-stone schemas.
>>> ---------------%<--------------------------------------
>>> I haven't downloaded and tried Neo yet, but if I find some time, I'd
>>> be happy to give it a try.
>>> As you were mentioning that Groovy should probably work well with Neo,
>>> yes, I'm pretty certain it does, and I'm sure we could bring some
>>> Groovyisms into the loop to make using Neo even more seamless and
>>> nice.
>>> For instance, if I look at your quick start example:
>>> Node firstNode = neo.createNode();
>>> Node secondNode = neo.createNode();
>>> Relationship relationship = firstNode.createRelationshipTo(
>>> secondNode, MyRelationshipTypes.KNOWS );
>>> firstNode.setProperty( "message", "Hello, " );
>>> secondNode.setProperty( "message", "world!" );
>>> relationship.setProperty( "message", "brave Neo " );
>>> Groovy handles the setProperty/getProperty methods in a particular
>>> fashion, and without doing anything special, you should be able to
>>> directly use this nicer syntax in Groovy:
>>> firstNode.message = "Hello"
>>> secondNode.message = "world!"
>>> relationship.message = "brave Neo"
>>> It really gives people the impression of working with real objects,
>>> with real properties or methods.
>>> With maps or expandos in Groovy, you can already manipulate
>>> quasi-beans with that syntax, and people may potentially not need to
>>> manipulate Node or Relationship directly, but could use these maps /
>>> expandos instead, and it would only be when storing these in the graph
>>> database that you could "coerce" the type to Node or Relationship.
>>> More concretely:
>>> def firstNode = [:]
>>> firstNode.message = "Hello"
>>> And you could then just call some store() method in your APIs --
>>> although it seems in the tutorial, there's no need to "store", just
>>> creating the nodes and relationships are enough.
>>> Also for relationships, we could imagine using Groovy's native list
>>> syntax for representing such triples (and using static import for
>>> KNOWS):
>>> def relationship = [ firstNode, KNOWS, secondNode ]
>>> Combining everything:
>>> [
>>>   [name: "Neo"],
>>>   [KNOWS: [since: someDate],
>>>   [name: "Trinity"]
>>> ]
>>> I was also mentioning coercion, as you can create custom type coercion
>>> in Groovy (kind of a cast, if you wish, but you can transform
>>> something into some other type):
>>> [name: "Neo"] as Node
>>> [ firstNode, KNOWS, secondNode ] as Relationship
>>> Or simply at declaration time:
>>> Node neo = [name: "Neo"]
>>> Relationship rel =  [ firstNode, KNOWS, secondNode ]
>>> Anyway... enough brainstorming for now, but a graph database like Neo
>>> and a dynamic language like Groovy, and you can really really have
>>> fun.
>>> Congratulations for a great graph database project!
>>> Keep up the good work.
>>> --
>>> Guillaume Laforge
>>> Groovy Project Manager
>>> Head of Groovy Development at SpringSource
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> --
> Mattias Persson, []
> Neo Technology,
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> Neo mailing list

Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
Head of Groovy Development at SpringSource
Neo mailing list

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