
I am a PhD student and have been looking for a database to use to  
store and search interconnected data, mostly qualitative notes. They  
may have a range of fields depending if they are about a person,  
place, book, event, etc. Everything will eventually have many-to-many  

I've worked with dedicated qualitative data analysis programs and  
found them convenient for data entry but confining in terms of  
structure and slow and primitive for searching. The ontology tool,  
Protege, is very cool but gets bogged down quickly. I've tried to use  
Microsoft Access. It has fantastic "form" making tools for data entry  
but linking such a large number of many-to-many connections via  
association tables is a horrible pain.

neo4j looks extremely interesting. Perhaps if I explain some of the  
tasks I want to do, people would be kind enough to advocate for neo4j  
or for something else?

1. create people (name, DOB, etc)
2. create documents (title, year, etc)
3. connect people to documents
4. create notes connected to documents and people
5. create tags linked to all the above
6. create relations between notes (supports, challenges, etc)
7. view all documents by specific person
8. view all links to specific person, document, note, etc out x steps
9. search EVERYTHING for regular expression
10. search only people for regular expression
11. add new attributes to nodes as I think of them
12. visualize whole graph or subset
13. have multiple views to the same data, filtered differently
14. control which attribute(s) are used for labels
15. view everything linked to a certain tag
16. view number of connections assigned to each tag
17. view number of people in database
18. bulk add/delete relations between nodes with certain characteristics
19. convert easily to common graph & flat formats
20. backup data easily

thank you in advance for your comments

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