Looks nice and simple and it's probably completely alright to have the
store fail on non-clean shutdowns and stuff like that.

I'm wondering about this method though.

    void createNode( long id, Map<String, Object> properties );

What do we need that for? Couldn't that encourage an erroneous
behavior where you could have f.ex.

    public static final int MY_REFERENCE_NODE_ID_1 = 1000001
    public static final int MY_REFERENCE_NODE_ID_2 = 1000002
    public static final int MY_REFERENCE_NODE_ID_3 = 1000003

and using those ids to create reference nodes and hence depending on those ids?

2009/5/6 Emil Eifrem <e...@neotechnology.com>:
> Hi,
> As you may or may not know, the Neo4j kernel is heavily optimized for
> reads and transactional updates, which in a typical transactional
> system probably constitute 95+% of the operations. So far, we haven't
> focused on raw batch insert velocity, since that's typically a
> one-time operation that you execute when you're bootstrapping a
> project and then never again.
> However, having said that, when you DO import your initial data it's
> kinda nice if that import is a reasonably performant operation. So
> we've decided to develop a specific batch insert API that is optimized
> for insertion. See API outlined in the ticket below.
> Do you have any input on this API? Is it a convenient API for that
> first importer that parses your CSVs or XML or SQL dumps and injects
> the data into Neo4j?
> Please give input either in this thread or in ticket comments.
> Cheers,
> -EE
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: neo4j.org <nore...@neo4j.org>
> Date: Wed, May 6, 2009 at 01:03
> Subject: [Neo tickets] #167: Create a batch insert API
> To:
> Cc: tick...@lists.neo4j.org
> #167: Create a batch insert API
> ---------------------------------+------------------------------------------
>  Reporter:  johans               |       Owner:  johans
>     Type:  enhancement request  |      Status:  new
>  Priority:  major                |   Milestone:  neo-1.0-b9
> Component:  neo                  |    Keywords:
> ---------------------------------+------------------------------------------
>  Create a batch insert {{{API}}} that drops support for transactions and
>  the like in favor of speed. This is useful to get already existing data
>  (existing in some form) injected into a Neo4j store.
>  Here is the the suggested API:
>  {{{
>  long createNode( Map<String,Object> properties )
>  void createNode( long id, Map<String,Object> properties )
>  long createRelationship( long startNode, long endNode,
>     RelationshipType type, Map<String,Object> properties )
>  void setNodeProperties( long node, Map<String,Object> properties )
>  void setRelationshipProperties( long rel, Map<String,Object> properties )
>  Map<String,Object> getNodeProperties( long nodeId )
>  Map<String,Object> getRelationshipProperties( long relId )
>  Iterable<Long> getRelationshipIds( long nodeId )
>  Iterable<SimpleRelationship> getRelationships( long nodeId )
>  SimpleRelationship getRelatoinshipById( long relId )
>  }}}
>  Implementation is in progress and here are some details:
>  * Everything will be optimized for insert only.
>  * Use create methods and supply properties for nodes and relationships
>  right away. The setProperties methods approach is slower.
>  * Get operations may be slow.
>  * Delete operation has been left out completely for now.
>  * If anything breaks (you get a exception from an API call) your store is
>  garbage and you have start over with a fresh new one.
> --
> Ticket URL: <https://trac.neo4j.org/ticket/167>
> neo4j.org <http://trac.neo4j.org/>
> The Neo4J.org Issue Tracker
> _______________________________________________
> Tickets mailing list
> tick...@lists.neo4j.org
> https://lists.neo4j.org/mailman/listinfo/tickets
> --
> Emil Eifrém, CEO [e...@neotechnology.com]
> Neo Technology, www.neotechnology.com
> Cell: +46 733 462 271 | US: 206 403 8808
> http://twitter.com/emileifrem
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Mattias Persson, [matt...@neotechnology.com]
Neo Technology, www.neotechnology.com
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