Excellent work Andreas!

Would be great if someone could try this out. Else I can ask Peter
later (think he is on vacation right now) to do this.


On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:56 AM, Andreas
Kollegger<akolleg...@tembopublic.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> A quick update on the status of the OSGi-ification of Neo4j. The first
> round of components have been enhanced to be OSGi-compliant bundles.
> For non-OSGi users, you should not notice any difference at all.
> The following components are now OSGi-friendly (in trunk): neo, index-
> util, neo-meta, neo-utils, remote-neo, shell, and neo-component-commons
> You can just drop them in to Apache Felix, Equinox, or Spring-DM.
> By way of example, there are two projects you can take a look at:
> 1. laboratory/components/apoc-bundle [1]
> This is the multi-module maven project being used as the integration
> point for using Neo4j in an OSGi environment. It shows how to
> provision all required bundles, including wrapping third party
> libraries. Also, it hosts a sub-module called org.neo4j.neo.karaf
> which produces an Apache Karaf (formerly ServiceMix kernel 4)
> features.xml file, which makes it really easy to deploy Neo4j. For
> details about features, see [2].
> 2. examples/imdb-osgi [3]
> This project is an adaptation of the standard Neo4j example, but
> deployed in an OSGi environment and using Apache Sling as the web
> framework. It purposely splits up the code into multiple bundles,
> including a custom NeoService registered as an OSGi service. For
> details about Sling, see [4].
> Actually, I'd appreciate someone checking out imdb-osgi and trying to
> run it. It may rely on un-released Apache Sling artifacts.
> [1] https://trac.neo4j.org/browser/laboratory/components/apoc-bundle
> [2] http://felix.apache.org/site/46-provisioning.html
> [3] https://trac.neo4j.org/browser/examples/imdb-osgi/trunk
> [4] http://sling.apache.org/site/index.html
> Many thanks to Emil and friends for their help in getting this work
> done, and of course for Neo4j itself.
> Cheers,
> Andreas
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