Johan, your my hero!
The readonly mode stuff is going to be a god sent to us and the depth
traversal stuff is definitely going to help some of our longer jobs.

We have a deadline to hit next wednesday but straight after I'll get testing
it on out bigger graphs.

Thank you...


On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Johan Svensson <>wrote:

> Hello,
> Now that the 1.0-b9 release has been out for a while we have had some
> time to work on some important new features that we want to be part of
> the final 1.0 release. The 1.0-b10-SNAPSHOT (trunk) now includes:
> o New algorithm to rebuild id generators during recovery after a
> crash. Cuts recovery time on large stores to a fraction of the time it
> used to take.
> o Read-only mode. You can now startup multiple read-only NeoServices
> to the same store (using EmbbededReadOnlyNeo) and have a single writer
> to that store.
> o Improved depth first traversal speed on nodes with many
> relationships by loading relationships on demand. This will also
> reduce the stress on GC when traversing over a node with many
> relationships since much fewer objects will be created.
> If you have some suitable project please help us test and try out
> these new features.
> Regards,
> -Johan
> --
> Johan Svensson []
> Chief Technology Officer, Neo Technology
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