Is anyone else working on Windows 7/Windows 2008 R2?  Any known issues with
the JRE, NIO, or some other performance bottleneck on these platforms?


For a variety of complicated reasons, our app needs to run on Windows.
We're exploring using Neo as the datastore for this app, but are getting
some very strange results when attempting to benchmark performance.  On a
machine with 4GB of RAM, dual core CPU, Windows 7, JDK/JRE 1.6.0_16, and
with a JVM startup parameter of -xMx1024m, we're unable to get decent node
insertion performance.  We've tested it with small and large transaction
sizes (1 entity per transaction, 10, 100, and 1000), where each entity
involves two node creations and two relationship creations.  With the
smallest transaction size, we can barely get 50 entities (100 nodes/100
relationships) inserted *per second*.  This seems to be almost two orders of
magnitude slower than what others are getting in similar scenarios.  Even
cranking up the transaction size to 1000 (2000 nodes/2000 relationships) we
topped out at 2105 per second.  Our typical use case will be small
transactions (just a few nodes added each time), so we're a bit worried that
we might have a showstopper issue here.  If it matters, we're
launching/testing the code from within Eclipse (not in debug mode, though).


Thanks in advance for any wisdom/guidance, as we're at a loss to determine
what the cause might be, and usually when you see something that is nearly 2
orders of magnitude off expectations, it turns out to be a single
setting/issue/bottleneck that causes it.

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