Ok great, I'll look into this error and see if I can locate that bug.

2009/12/21 Sebastian Stober <sto...@ovgu.de>:
> Hello Mattias,
> thank you for your quick reply. The new behavior you describe looks like
> what I would expect. (I think fulltext queries should generally be
> treated case-insensitive)
> The original junit-test now completes without error. However, there
> still seems to be something odd.
> If I modify the setup code (before I run any test queries) like this,
> the LuceneFulltextIndexService is messed up:
> // using LuceneFulltextIndexService
> andy.setProperty( "name", "Andy Wachowski" );
> andy.setProperty( "title", "Director" );
> //      larry.setProperty( "name", "Larry Wachowski" ); //old
> larry.setProperty( "name", "Andy Wachowski" ); //new(deliberately wrong)
> larry.setProperty( "title", "Director" );
> index.index( andy, "name", andy.getProperty( "name" ) );
> index.index( andy, "title", andy.getProperty( "title" ) );
> index.index( larry, "name", larry.getProperty( "name" ) );
> index.index( larry, "title", larry.getProperty( "title" ) );
> // new: fixing the name of larry
> index.removeIndex( larry, "name", larry.getProperty( "name" ) );
> larry.setProperty( "name", "Larry Wachowski" );
> index.index( larry, "name", larry.getProperty( "name" ) );
> // start the test...
> index.getNodes( "name", "wachowski" )
> now returns only larry instead of both nodes.
> Any ideas? It looks like the index entry for andy is removed as well.
> Cheers,
> Sebastian
>> Message: 4
>> Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 10:16:33 +0100
>> From: Mattias Persson <matt...@neotechnology.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Neo] Strange behavior of LuceneFulltextIndexService
>> To: Neo user discussions <user@lists.neo4j.org>
>> Message-ID:
>>       <acdd47330912180116l7d5fe082g2322f45712906...@mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> I've made some changes to make LuceneFulltextIndexService and
>> LuceneFulltextQueryIndexService behave more natural. So this is the
>> new (and better) deal (copied from the javadoc, from your example!):
>> LuceneFulltextIndexService:
>>     /**
>>      * Since this is a "fulltext" index it changes the contract of this 
>> method
>>      * slightly. It treats the {...@code value} more like a query in than 
>> you can
>>      * query for individual words in your indexed values.
>>      *
>>      * So if you've indexed node (1) with value "Andy Wachowski" and node (2)
>>      * with "Larry Wachowski" you can expect this behaviour if you query for:
>>      *
>>      * o "andy"            --> (1)
>>      * o "Andy"            --> (1)
>>      * o "wachowski"       --> (1), (2)
>>      * o "andy larry"      -->
>>      * o "larry Wachowski" --> (2)
>>      * o "wachowski Andy"  --> (1)
>>      */
>> LuceneFulltextQueryIndexService:
>>     /**
>>      * Here the {...@code value} is treated as a lucene query,
>>      * http://lucene.apache.org/java/2_9_1/queryparsersyntax.html
>>      *
>>      * So if you've indexed node (1) with value "Andy Wachowski" and node (2)
>>      * with "Larry Wachowski" you can expect this behaviour if you query for:
>>      *
>>      * o "andy"            --> (1)
>>      * o "Andy"            --> (1)
>>      * o "wachowski"       --> (1), (2)
>>      * o "andy AND larry"  -->
>>      * o "andy OR larry"   --> (1), (2)
>>      * o "larry Wachowski" --> (1), (2) // lucene's default operator is OR
>>      *
>>      * The default AND/OR behaviour can be changed by overriding
>>      * {...@link #getDefaultQueryOperator(String, Object)}.
>>      */
>> Does this make more sense?
>> 2009/12/17 Mattias Persson <matt...@neotechnology.com>:
>>> That is indeed a behaviour which needs to be straightened out, I see
>>> that it doesn't behave as expected all the time. I'll look into this
>>> as soon as possible.
>>> Btw. is it a good idea to have LuceneFulltextIndexService and
>>> LuceneFulltextQueryIndexService be case-insensitive, should it be
>>> configurable or would it be nice with case-sensitivity instead (so
>>> that you'd have to run .toLowerCase(), or something, on your strings
>>> and queries to get such behaviour)?
>>> 2009/12/17 Sebastian Stober <sto...@ovgu.de>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I ran into some strange behavior of the LuceneFulltextIndexService in
>>>> the application I am building. So I put together a junit test based on
>>>> the example from
>>>> http://wiki.neo4j.org/content/Indexing_with_IndexService#Wachowski_brothers_example
>>>> Here's what I found out using 0.9-SNAPSHOT of index-util (version 0.8
>>>> wasn't any better):
>>>> >> snip
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