Hello, Dmitri.

We are using the first approach - a top level "class" node with "entity"
nodes below them in the graph.  In some cases, this is a flat "collection"
of entities, in others, it is a more complex set of linkages accomplished
via relationships.  Our taxonomy model (something similar to folders) can
contain any class(es) of entities, via relationships.  Additionally, an
entity can be multiply linked to multiple taxonomy locations (and of course
to other entities).

We are also using a hybrid approach to reduce the # of nodes that must be
traversed in certain types of searches.  Basically, we are using a sort of
"bucket" approach.  In this scenario, the "class" node links to a set of
"buckets".  These buckets represent some logical clustering of related nodes
that correspond to some commonly used key data that would be used to
query/reduce the set of nodes in the resultset.  For example, if the most
common way to retrieve these nodes would be based on a date/time key, we
might create a set of bucket nodes for each day, each day/hour,
etc...allowing rapid reduction to a smaller subset of relevant nodes for a
date oriented search.  Similarly, you could do the same for some key field
in the nodes (bucket all nodes by the first letter of the node identity
field), or use a tagging metamodel where the buckets corresponded to tag
values.  I suppose this could also be done directly or indirectly using
Lucene as well.

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: user-boun...@lists.neo4j.org [mailto:user-boun...@lists.neo4j.org] On
Behalf Of Dmitri Livotov
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 8:26 AM
To: Neo user discussions
Subject: [Neo] Node with the millions of incoming relationships "to" - is
this a proper way ?

A kind of architectural question now

We're thinking on our graph model now, where we will have a lot of nodes 
of particular type. Something like the filesystem, where each fs element 
(node in neo4j terms) could be of type "file" or "folder".

We need to be able to separate and later query (filter) nodes by type. 
In some cases, we'll also need to iterate over
all nodes of some type and so on. For now, I do see two ways for 
defining the node types in the database:

- first is to define so called "class nodes", say "File class" node and 
"Folder class" node and then every node in the database will have the 
extra relation either to "File class" node or "Folder class" node. This 
way I can easily find all nodes of particular type and so on.

- second way - to define a property in every node, say "nodetype", with 
the appropriate value for every node.

First way seems to be more correct for me, but Im concerning that there 
will be a millions of relations to a single node - is this OK for the 
database performance and deficiency (millions to one relationship looks 
like an unbalanced graph) ?

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