
firstly I used the numbers of 9 bytes * number_of_nodes and 33 bytes *
number_of_relations for the neo.props configure, but it doesn't work.

After that I tried with my actual configuration:


This are the numbers of my database:

488.2M neostore.nodestore.db
12.6G neostore.propertystore.db
67G neostore.propertystore.db.strings
9.9G neostore.relationshipstore.db

In the page configuartion seetings the only thing (in my view) that
could help me is the garbage collector but I've ever thought that
garbage collector works when I need space and I have things to remove,
therefore I'm not sure if this information can help me.

El mié, 24-02-2010 a las 10:38 +0100, Johan Svensson escribió:
> Hi,
> What is the error/problem you get when executing the program?
> It is not a good idea to use all available RAM for the Java heap. Have
> a look at http://wiki.neo4j.org/content/Configuration_Settings for
> more information on how to configure Neo4j to make good use of
> available RAM.
> Regards,
> -Johan
> On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Miguel Angel Aguila <magu...@ac.upc.edu> 
> wrote:
> > Yes I give 64 GB and only 60 GB in diferent executions.
> >
> > 2010/2/23 Mattias Persson <matt...@neotechnology.com>
> >
> >> One more thing... how much heap have you given the JVM? You control
> >> how much RAM your JVM gets with the -Xmx option to the java command.
> >> F.ex:
> >>
> >>  java -Xmx10G -cp .....
> >>
> >> Please see more information regarding performance and tweaking at
> >> http://wiki.neo4j.org/content/Neo4j_Performance_Guide
> >>
> >> 2010/2/23 Mattias Persson <matt...@neotechnology.com>:
> >> > I see that you're using an older version of Neo4j. Have you tried using
> >> 1.0?
> >> >
> >> > http://components.neo4j.org/neo4j-kernel
> >> > http://neo4j.org/download
> >> >
> >> > Maven
> >> > groupId: org.neo4j
> >> > artifactId: neo4j-kernel
> >> > version: 1.0
> >> >
> >> > ...and at first glance I don't see any direct problem with your code.
> >> >
> >> > 2010/2/23 Miguel Ángel Águila <magu...@ac.upc.edu>:
> >> >> Hello,
> >> >>
> >> >> I'm doing a code to walk around all the nodes and get the node with the
> >> >> maximum out degree. The main problem is that there are around 57 million
> >> >> of nodes and 322 million of edges in the neo database, and using a 64 GB
> >> >> RAM is insufficient to execute the program. It is the code:
> >> >> Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I don't understand.
> >> >>
> >> >> Thanks.
> >> >> Mike
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> public static void getNodeMaxOutDegreeNeo(final NeoService neo,
> >> >>            final IndexService indexService) {
> >> >>        Node idNode;
> >> >>        long degree;
> >> >>        long maxDegree = 0;
> >> >>        IndexHits<Node> nodes;
> >> >>        long idDegree;
> >> >>        long idMaxDegree;
> >> >>        Transaction tx = neo.beginTx();
> >> >>        try {
> >> >>            nodes = indexService.getNodes("TYPE", "titles");
> >> >>            Iterator<Node> it = nodes.iterator();
> >> >>            Node idNodeMaxDegree=it.next();
> >> >>            Iterator<Relationship> relIterator =
> >> >> idNodeMaxDegree.getRelationships(
> >> >>                           NeoDataBase.MyRelationshipTypes.REF,
> >> >> Direction.OUTGOING).iterator();
> >> >>
> >> >>            while (relIterator.hasNext()) {
> >> >>                relIterator.next();
> >> >>                maxDegree++;
> >> >>            }
> >> >>            long counter = 0;
> >> >>            while (it.hasNext()) {
> >> >>                if ( ++counter % 50000 == 0 ) {
> >> >>                    tx.success();
> >> >>                    tx.finish();
> >> >>                    tx = neo.beginTx();
> >> >>                }
> >> >>                idNode = it.next();
> >> >>                relIterator =
> >> >> idNode.getRelationships(NeoDataBase.MyRelationshipTypes.REF,
> >> >> Direction.OUTGOING).iterator();
> >> >>                degree = 0;
> >> >>                while (relIterator.hasNext()) {
> >> >>                    relIterator.next();
> >> >>                    degree++;
> >> >>                }
> >> >>                if (degree >= maxDegree) {
> >> >>                    if(degree==maxDegree) {
> >> >>                        idDegree=
> >> >> Long.getLong((String)idNode.getProperty("ID_TITLE"));
> >> >>                        idMaxDegree=
> >> >> Long.getLong((String)idNodeMaxDegree.getProperty("ID_TITLE"));
> >> >>                        if(idDegree>idMaxDegree) {
> >> >>                            idNodeMaxDegree = idNode;
> >> >>                        }
> >> >>                    }
> >> >>                    else {
> >> >>                        maxDegree = degree;
> >> >>                        idNodeMaxDegree = idNode;
> >> >>                    }
> >> >>                }
> >> >>            }
> >> >>
> >> >>            System.out.println("OId   =
> >> >> "+(String)idNodeMaxDegree.getProperty("ID_TITLE"));
> >> >>            System.out.println("Title =
> >> >> "+(String)idNodeMaxDegree.getProperty("NAME"));
> >> >>            System.out.println("#refs = "+maxDegree);
> >> >>            tx.success();
> >> >>        }
> >> >>        finally
> >> >>        {
> >> >>            tx.finish();
> >> >>        }
> >> >> }
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