As tempting (and as necessary) as it might be to do transacted "stuff",
there are good ways and bad ways to do it.  It is important that each
REST-ful invocation be thought of as effectively stateless.  That said,
using an RPC-like approach where you have atomic invocations to:

- Create a unit of work (a.k.a. transaction) and receive back a token,
ideally as a URI, that represents that transaction
- "POST" additional work to that URI
- Commit/Rollback/Terminate that work (and render the URI no longer valid)

A great reference is the book by Sam Ruby and Leonard Richardson.  While I
don't agree with 100% of the model proposed in the book, it definitely
helped guide the REST-ful API in our product in a manner that made it very
clean to implement, easy to consume, client agnostic, and quite flexible.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Jim Webber
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:39 AM
To: Neo user discussions
Subject: Re: [Neo] Continuing REST API development

Hi Mattias,

>   - GET /   will return URIs for creating nodes and the reference node as
>   well as the index starting point.

Sounds sensible. What about using Atom feeds as the representation for a
node set and AtomPub for handling node creation etc?

>   - To have a browse:able representation in addition to JSON, so that you
>   can click your way through the graph

That would be nice, but...

>   - Batch operations: to define more than one operation to be performed in
>   a single transaction

...this would be better :-)

>   - Security

OAuth! I have some ideas about creating an OAuth graph and using that to
determine authorisation.

>   - Transaction control operations (begin, commit, rollback)


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