Hi neo4j people,

I'm using the graph-matching component and would like to find a subgraph
query in my global graph.
So far so good, the graph-matching component does it very well. But now, i
need to have some of my pattern nodes "properties values" to be evaluated as
regular expressions over the node properties of an eventual match.

For instance:
I have a patternode with a property "name" = to "B".
I want to get all nodes where this property value match "B" as a reg.
expression. (ie include a B)

I notice there is a regexppattern class in the project. I went through the
code but i guess this is not intended to do what i want.
By the way, could you give me a short explanation of what this is used for
as well as patterngroup which is a bit obscure to me at the moment.

Thanks a lot for your help,

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