Hi, Tobias.

It could be a fairly challenging task to do a general purpose .NET client
using WCF, largely due to the flexibility of the return types (schema-less
and type-less) from the REST API and some challenges that the
DataContractJsonSerializer has in these scenarios.  I think ultimately
there's going to be a need for some type of metamodel built in so that
inbound and outbound requests can properly map in and out of .NET domain
models, but that's probably a bigger effort.  There may be some other
general purpose .NET client JSON parsers that would be easier to work with
and more flexible (e.g. the JSON.NET project).

One suggestion might be to add a DELETE method symmetric with the various
"get relationships on node" methods.  For example, DELETE
/node/XXX/relationships/all would delete all relationships for node "XXX".
This helps make deletion of a node a simpler and more atomic operation.
Also, I think the documentation in the Wiki for "get relationships on node"
is incorrect since it shows a collection of nodes being returned.  Lastly, I
think it would be very valuable if the relationship type was returned from
the REST API whenever a relationship or collection of relationships is

Along a related topic, has anyone started a .NET port of Neo4J yet



-----Original Message-----
From: user-boun...@lists.neo4j.org [mailto:user-boun...@lists.neo4j.org] On
Behalf Of Tobias Ivarsson
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 10:37 AM
To: Neo user discussions
Subject: [Neo] Neo4j + REST + .NET anyone?

Hi everyone!

With the REST API approaching a usable state it would be great to get some
clients written for it. Since I'll be presenting Neo4j at a .Net conference
next week ( http://mow2010.dk/all-abstracts/tobias-ivarsson.aspx ) it would
be great if there was a .Net client available for me to show. An early
prototype would be enough, but I neither have the time, nor the .Net skills
to implement it. Since this list is full of talented developers I thought
I'd ask for some help. To make things more interesting I'll throw in a Neo4j
t-shirt as a reward for the first .Net Neo4j REST client library with
an accompanying small demo application.

For reference see the documentation of the Neo4j REST API:
 * http://components.neo4j.org/neo4j-rest/
 * http://wiki.neo4j.org/content/Getting_Started_REST

WFC might be a good foundation to build the client library on:
 * http://damianm.com/tech/building-a-rest-client-with-wcf/

Happy hacking!
Tobias Ivarsson <tobias.ivars...@neotechnology.com>
Hacker, Neo Technology
Cellphone: +46 706 534857
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