You could perhaps use the LuceneFulltextQueryIndexService (which is a
LuceneFulltextIndexService, but which interprets the "value" argument in
getNodes() as lucene query
Index your <URI>|<time> as a one concatenated value and query it with range
f.ex: [http://my-uri|0000000000000 TO http://my-uri|1270797634350] (since
all values are strings in lucene), and grabbing the last one. If the results
of the range query could be reversed you could grab the first one instead,
which would be much better.

This solution doesn't strike me as being particularly good, but might work
(I haven't tried it).

2010/4/8 Lyudmila L. Balakireva <>

> Hi,
> I have  question how to better deal with time range index. I  am using
> Sail layer to build a triple store with context as time value.  I need
> binary search the nearest context value for the given uri and requested
> time.
> For example for the mysql it will be  table [ uri,time ] where rows:
> u ,t1
> u, t2
> u1,t1
> u2,t2
> etc.
>  having  the given uri  u and  time t   t1 < t <t2  I can fast find  the
> nearest t1 for uri u  by query: select max (time) where time<t  and uri
> =u;
> Is any  internal trick  I can use  for neo4j to build such index or
> optimize the operation?
>  The timeline index  is somewhat  different since I need first to break
> recordset by uri and then find time. It will be many millions of
> timelines attached to the one node and I still need to iterate thru the
> nodes.  What else can be done here then Mysql?
> Thank you for help,
> Luda
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