> Why not just slap memcached in the middle?  Would help with scalability
>   as well, plus you could keep cached results keyed by query params in
>   there if needed.  Just a thought...

Yes, but in my mind that says "you cant use neo without a 3rd party caching
layer" which seems a little crazy as it adds complexity and leads to
inevitable 'eventual consistency' as the many many different cached views
expire. Plus, there would still be the memory overhead of inflating 1000+
nodes from memcache.

Anyway, if you are caching, better to cache the output of the generated HTML
pages (or page fragments), something that any website of scale will do
already, so caching in the middleware wont help.

However, caching does not help situations where everybody sees a slightly
different view of the data or that the search state space is large enough to
make the chances of a cache hit quite small.

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