Hi Peter,

sorry to pick up this old thread, but you mentioned that in your system 
revisions are automatically created with every transaction. How do you 
do this? Hooks, aspects, weaving, magic?

Thanks and best regards,

> Hi,
> I have also built some versioning concept on Neo before.
> Essentially, my solution is based on two kinds of objects:
> - VersionedObject represents the identity of something. It references
> ObjectVersions.
> - ObjectVersion represents a version of the object, there can be many
> and they point to their previous version for easier lookup
> - an ObjectVersion contains the properties. If there are relationships,
> they always point from an ObjectVersion to the target VersionedObject
> - ObjectVersions belong to Revisions, each revision has a revision
> counter and additional information (who changed what when and why).
> - there is a global object that holds the current revision counter
> In my system, revisions are created automatically with every transaction
> commit, so the actual versioning is completely hidden from the developer
> that works with the domain objects.
> Using the revision counter, you can easily select arbitrary versions:
> - for latest version, take the ObjectVersion with the maximum counter
> - for some historic version, take the ObjectVersion with the maximum
> counter that is smaller or equal the wanted revision counter.
> New object version are created on every change of a versioned object,
> e.g. by setting a property or by creating a relationship. If the object
> had an existing version before, the properties and relationships will be
> copied to the new version.
> I have used this concept to build both a linear history of objects and a
> more complex versioning system with branches. If you need branches, you
> need some more things to consider, but it can be done as well.
> HTH,
> Peter
>> Anyone have an idea on how to model the history management in a case
>> like this? You don't need to put too much focus on the actual
>> structure, I just want to get at a structure for capturing the change
>> history for the relationships in between entities.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Tobias Ivarsson <tobias.ivarsson at neotechnology.com>
>> Hacker, Neo Technology
>> www.neotechnology.com
>> Cellphone: +46 706 534857
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