I sent this notification in the blog post about the announcement of
Neo4j REST Server [1], and Anders Nawroth suggested me to send it as
e-mail to mail list.

I had some problems to setup Neo4j in Linux in order to code in
Python, so I decided to use the new Neo4j REST Server.
However, WADL is too much hard and its syntax in python wadllib hasn't
compatibility with current ne4j.py syntax. Thus, I decided to start a
implementation of Neo4j Python REST Client wich the same syntax of
neo4.py. The idea is you can, in the future, type:

  $ graphdb = neo4j.GraphDatabase( "/neo/db/path" )

Or the next is you can use the REST Server

  $ graphdb = neo4j.GraphDatabase( "http://localhost:9999"; )

By now it's a pre-alpha status, but I think in some days it will be
whole functional.
You can find the GIT repo here [3].

Any comment will be welcome.

[1] http://blog.neo4j.org/2010/04/neo4j-rest-server-part1-get-it-going.html
[3] http://github.com/versae/neo4j-rest-client

Javier de la Rosa

Javier de la Rosa
Neo mailing list

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