The usecase that was the driver for the babudb index was business (primary)
keys. Since the id of the node is governed by neo4j, i wanted to implement a
faster index than lucene for key searches. Using lucene for other than real
fulltext is not very efficient.

In my  mint neo4j is a far better fit than relational databases to persist
objects graphs, and the key indexing has been sort of a show stopper. And
the more i use ogrm, the more i appreciate the fact that neo4j handles all
relationships for me, so the amount of (error prone) relationship
boilerplate is reduced to a minimum. I agreee that graph databases arent the
solution for all problems, but in most cases a normal OO mapping maps better
into graphs that tables.

What also would be interesting is to see if an IndexService based on for
example babudb can fill a requirement relational tables where used to
fulfill before. I am in the planning phase of an application that collects
readings from sensors. That seems like a perfect fit for a relational table,
but the readings are also interconnected and chained and so forth, so be
able to keep the data in a graph would be a huge gain in simplicity.


BTW: the references page now points to neo4j :)

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 3:42 PM, Peter Neubauer <> wrote:

> Mmh,
> very interesting! What would be a good usecase for using BaduDB alongside
> e.g. Lucene with Neo4j? Would be nice to make a good example of using a
> different index than text together. That would open up for a number of
> possible scenarios, e.g. with CouchDB, Cassandra and others, that have a
> number of interesting capabilities that could be combined with the graph
> approach!
> Good work, wil check out the code for Also, the link on the
> dependency page points to which does not exist :)
> Cheers,
> /peter neubauer
> COO and Sales, Neo Technology
> GTalk:      neubauer.peter
> Skype       peter.neubauer
> Phone       +46 704 106975
> LinkedIn
> Twitter
>               - Your high performance graph database.
> - Scandinavias coolest Bring-a-Thing party.
> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Atle Prange <> wrote:
> > I have done some simple performance comparison between neo4j and babudb
> > (, because i use babudb (which users
> > the same architecture as Googles bigtable) as an IndexService for neo4j
> > in my object-graph-mapper. (check out the source for the
> > BabuDbIndexService from
> >
> > The results aren't that exiting, but updates are about twice as fast in
> > neo4j than in babudb. Reads are equally fast, with babudb having the
> > slight upper hand. Using babudb can therefore be seen as a good indexing
> > service for neo4j! (Thats my conclusion, feel free to ignore)
> >
> > I can read 200000 objects in about 4 seconds for both frameworks,
> > including node wrapping and content deserialization (payload of
> > 100bytes, cold cache) (My computer is really slow though)
> > I think that is really fast! I wish i had learned about neo4j earlier
> > though! :)
> >
> >
> > -atle
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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