The class DataRange in the meta model component at this moment is a subclass of 
RdfDataTypeRange, which in my opinion is not optimal. DataRange is used to 
enumerate the values a certain PropertyType can have and in that sense can be 
seen as a DatatypeClassRange with further restrictions. 
DatatypeClassRange has some dependencies on RDF but only in its 
rdfLiteralToJavaObject and javaObjectToRdfLiteral methods, both of which are 
not required to be used. DataRange on the other hand has dependencies on RDF in 
the internalLoad and internalStore methods, which use is not optional.
As a result it is possible to give the DatatypeClassRange constructor as 
argument the class java.lang.String, and do the appropriate cast of Object to 
String in user code. The same is not possible with DataRange, which has a 
constructor having a String as first argument, which needs to correspond with 
some predefined RDF types. So instead of giving the argument "java.lang.String" 
and doing the proper cast in user code, the argument needs to be 
This dependency on RDF is far from ideal. I would like to be able to say that a 
DataRange can have any type of class, and do the proper casting/transformation 
in user code. With DatatypeClassRange I can do that. It is possible to use any 
class for DatatypeClassRange and do serialization to and from a property value 
in user code (after all, any serializable class can be written into a byte 
array or into a String). 
My suggestion is to make DataRange a subclass of DatatypeClassRange, changing 
the first constructor argument from String into Class and have a check that all 
Objects passed as the second constructor argument conform to that Class. 
Of course I am willing to make this change, but I'd like to have feedback 
before doing so.
Niels Hoogeveen                                           
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