The easiest way to do this would be to implement your own SourceSelector
(just like DepthFirstSelector implements SourceSelector) and feed that to
your TraversalDescription, like this:

  class MyRandomSelector implements SourceSelector
      private ExpansionSource current;

      MyRandomSelector( ExpansionSource start )
          this.current = start;

      public ExpansionSource nextPosition()
          // Implement your random selector here

  class MyRandomSelectorFactory implements SourceSelectorFactory
      public SourceSelector create( ExpansionSource start )
          return new MyRandomSelector( start );

Then feed it to your traversal description:

  TraversalDescription description =
          new MyRandomSelectorFactory() );

You can see how the depth first selector is implemented:

2010/5/17 hilmi yildirim <>

> Hi All,
> I'm new to neo4j and the mailing list. I have a simple traversal use
> case that I couldn't find a way to perform with the existing API. What
> would be your suggestion to the following scenario?
> I want to do a depth first traversal of the graph and want to add a
> property called "post_order_value" to each node during the traversal.
> For example, if we have a graph of
> A -> B , B -> C , A->D , D->C
> An example traverser labels the nodes with post-order values as C=1,
> B=2,D=3 and A=4. Because the depth first traversal first finishes C,
> then B, then D and finally A.
> What I am concerned is a slight variation of this problem. In the
> above example, the
> visitation order of the children is important. For example, if the
> traverser had chosen D before B while processing the children of A,
> the labels would end up being C=1, D=2,B=3 and A=4. I'd like to
> generate random traversals, so that in the DFS the traverser chooses
> the children in random order. By this way I will get many valid
> post-order labelings.
> Is this possible in the current traversal API or in the Improved framework?
> Thanks,
> p.s. : This email is indeed a reply to Tobias' "A new and improved
> Traversal framework" message.
> [Neo] A new and improved Traversal framework
> Tobias Ivarsson
> Tue, 30 Mar 2010 06:48:46 -0700
> It seems a lot of projects have outgrown the current Traverser framework.
> People want to be able to do things such as visiting all relationships once
> instead of all nodes once (the current framework only visit each node once
> and leave out other relationships that go there). There has also been
> requests for a way to select the next relationship to traverse using a
> callback interface, instead of only having DEPTH_FIRST and BREADTH_FIRST to
> choose from.
> To address these requests we have started a project to implement a new
> traversal framework. The early prototype for this is available in my
> laboratory directory in the repository:
> The state of the prototype is very early, it supports the same features as
> the current Traverser framework plus being able to limit the traversal by
> relationships instead of nodes or based on the path to each position. This
> is already quite interesting. The part about having a callback for
> selecting
> the next relationship is a later feature, one that will probably change the
> API of the prototype a lot. For comparison the tests contain an
> implementation of the old Traverser framework on top of the new Traversal
> framework. The limited number of tests we've written indicate the
> performance of the old framework is still slightly better than the new
> framework, but analysis of the operations the different implementations
> make
> on the graph gives me high hopes that the new framework will probably beat
> the old one after we've worked on it some more. Even with the slightly
> lower
> performance the versatility of the new framework is substantially greater.
> The prototype implements a TraversalDescription class that is used to
> construct the traversal, these objects are immutable and implement a
> builder
> pattern making it possible to create base TraversalDescription instances
> that can then be reused multiple times or adapted slightly before they are
> used. This leads to shorter, more readable code than the current
> traverse(...)-methods on the Node interface. This is also the part of the
> prototype that is most likely to change, both to accomodate for the
> features
> that are to be added, and being revised to make it easier to work with.
> Most of the new traversal framework will live in a new
> package: org.neo4j.graphdb.traversal, but there will be a few new things
> introduced in org.neo4j.graphdb as well. The new traversal framework will
> live side by side with the current traversal framework for a while, to ease
> the transition. The old traversal framework will be deprecated and then
> removed in some future version.
> The additions we have made in the prototype are:
> * A path representation. Defined as the interface org.neo4j.graphdb.Path. A
> Path object represents a path of interlinking relationships. The shortest
> possible path is the path with no relationships, a single node.
> * A concept of Uniqueness. This defines how often a node or relationship
> can
> be (re)visited. The current traversal framework implements what we have
> called "node global uniqueness" in the new framework. This enforces the
> restriction that a node cannot be visited more than once. Other uniqueness
> kinds we introduce in the new framework are:
>  * Relationship global uniqueness - similar to node global uniqueness
>  * Node/Relationship path uniqueness - each node (or relationship) may
> occur only once in the path (yes, using the Path interface from above)
> traversed to get there.
>  * Node/Relationship recent uniqueness - a node (or relationship) may not
> be revisited if it is among the set of recently visited ones (the size of
> this set is configurable). This is similar to global uniqueness, but with a
> constraint on the amount of memory the traversal is allowed to use.
>  * No uniqueness. The name says it all, all nodes and relationships are
> visited, without restriction.
> * PruneEvaluator - has the same role as the previous StopEvaluator, but
> with
> a more descriptive name.
> * RelationshipExpander - this is "what traversers are made of", given a
> node, a RelationshipExpander is responsible for getting the relationships
> from it that are relevant to the traversal. This is a utility that is used
> a
> lot in the new traversal framework, and that might also be useful on its
> own.
> The concepts we are planning to add, but have not completed the design for
> yet are:
> * A way to select/order relationships. This is an extension of DEPTH_FIRST
> and BREADTH_FIRST, where the user can define which relationships to
> traverse, and in what order to traverse them.
> * Relationship patterns, a way to tell the traversal to expand one
> relationship type first, and then another type, and so on.
> Try it out and give us feedback, we will keep working on the
> implementation,
> and hope to push this into the trunk of kernel as soon as possible.
> --
> Tobias Ivarsson <>
> Hacker, Neo Technology
> Cellphone: +46 706 534857
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