
I'm new to Neo4j and I'm interested in the neo4j-rdf and neo4j-rdf-sparql
packages specifically. Basically, I would like to query an RDF store using
Sparql queries but I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly how to do it.

So far I've used bits and pieces of tutorial code and stuff I found on this
mailing list but I feel like I'm missing something. It appears that I can
use the *org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext.SimpleFulltextIndex* to query and
*but I would like to query the RdfStore using Sparql.

Also, what does the *org.neo4j.rdf.sparql.Neo4jRdfSource* class and *
Neo4jRdfEngine* class do?

It appears that I need to use an external library for Sparql queries. Is
there a way to do Sparql queries without using classes from the *
ryan.levering.sparql* package?

I've set up an RdfStore and a MetaModel and just need to know how to query
the store using sparql.

Any help appreciated.

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