Hi David,

> But then you need to store the result. You can store these metrics as
> relationships in neo4j, and then just update them for each user when
> you recompute. You can find the user nodes via indexing. Maybe it's
> acceptable that some metrics are out of date, so you can just
> background process them continuously.

I already have background processes that go through all users and
calculate new new pairs. But then in order to do that I do need to
exclude the pairs I already have... because it would be silly and as
the relationship density grows the probablity of calculating a pair
again would be higher and higher...
Would I be able to do that kind of query using indexing?

> Depending on your scenario, if your users know each other, it might be
> interesting to start computing in a foaf style order (breadth first).
> Remember, the power is in the relationships. Isolated nodes are not
> interesting.

You mean I look first for possible pairs with users that are friends
of friends instead of randomly? We are also interesting in storing
friendship relationship so that sounds interesting.
That would be a different type of query: Traverse the graph from node
A to nodes which are friends of friends of A and have no match
relationship with A. I guess that is not difficult to implement using

Thanks for your input David!
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