There should never be a need to implement your own GraphDatabaseService or
IndexManager... instead these are the things to do to provide your own index

   - Create your own SphinxIndexProvider, inspired by
It will extend
gets loaded together with the kernel and can therefore participate in
   - Specify a unique service name f.ex. "sphinx".
   - When creating
for the first time) supply "provider": "sphinx" in that config
   map. Or put neo4j config (to your EmbeddedGraphDatabase) "index": "sphinx"
   so that the provider by default is "sphinx"... then you can just use the
   normal accessor, i.e. graphDb.index().forNodes( "my-index" ).
   - Make sure you have an
   META-INF/services/org.neo4j.kernel.KernelExtension containing your
   SphinxIndexProvider (common java service API thingie).

The XaDataSource/XaConnection/XaResource implementation needed to implement
an index is a bit tedious and is bound to be simplified in the future. Until
then you can just look at how the LuceneIndexProvider does things and copy
that. This information is, as you pointed out, missing from the wiki page...
I'll add it!

2010/11/3 Balazs E. Pataki <>

> Hi,
> we are trying to use the Sphinx indexer with neo4j. With the old API we
> could implement an IndexProvider and do indexing on Nodes created by any
> GraphDatabaseService (eg. EmbeddedGraphDatabase).
> Now with the new 1.2M02 milestone release there is the "Index
> Framework", which is integrated with the GraphDatabaseService. However,
> I cannot see how we can now replace the LuceneIndexer implementation
> with our SphinxIndexer. The GraphDatabaseService API has an index()
> method, which returns an IndexManager and via which you can do the
> indexing. There, however, seems no way to provide a different
> IndexManager unless we create a new GraphDatabaseService implementation,
> eg. by wrapping EmbeddedGraphDatabase and overriding the index() method.
> Is it the supposed way of adding a new indexer to neo4j 1.2M2, or is
> there a better way?
> Thanks for any hints in advance!
> ---
> balazs
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