Thanks for your suggestions regarding my model, Craig. I agree about the ids. 
Using a generalization for Asset Types might be something to look at.
I'm still stuck on wanting to capture the general nature of an Asset as well as 
the specific triple of Producer-Asset-Consumer. I'll have to think about your 
statement that Asset is
specific to a Producer. In my current model, an Asset may have multiple 
Producers and multiple Consumers. The concept of an Asset is more general than 
a single Producer-Consumer relationship.
Maybe it's appropriate to duplicate the Asset node (not the actual node but the 
properties that identify an Asset). My relational DB mind doesn't want that 
kind of duplication.

Some of the questions I want to answer:
1. Given a Consumer, what Assets does it subscribe to?
2. Given a Consumer, what Producers is it dependent upon?
3. Given a Producer, what Assets does it contribute to?
4. Given a Producer, what Consumers are dependent on it?
5. Given an Asset, what Producers contribute to it and what Consumers subscribe 
to it?

There's other node types and properties within the graph that aren't important 
or that I can't discuss (this is a mock model anyway).

What is the consensus about duplicating node data within a network? I can see 
how using indexing or a hierarchy, as you've pointed out, might help with that.
Part of my hangup is that I'm looking at using Neo4J as an adjunct to a RDBMS 
to store dependency relationships. Each node will have information that ties 
back to the RDBMS for lookups. But that doesn't require absolutely unique 
nodes. Keeping the two DBs in sync will be a challenge but I don't have the 
option to push all of the data into Neo4J and I'd rather not manage the 
dependencies in the RDBMS.

Actually, now that I've talked around it, I think I see how your model would 
work for what I want to do. I'd have to see how a Traverser would return the 
Thanks for your time,

On Nov 24, 2010, at 4:50 PM, Craig Taverner wrote:

> Hi,
> I also do not like having the producers ids in the relationship. This is
> like having an non-indexed foreign key. I think the right solution is to
> change the database structure to match the intention of the model.
> I'll go out on a limb here and make some assumptions about what you really
> mean by your model. You want to ask 'who consumes assets by this producer'.
> Your problem is that what you are calling an Asset is actually a type of
> Asset, but some consumers are interested in a specific asset, not just all
> assets of that type, and so you are having to add extra data to resolve the
> type in the 'subscribes' relationship. A far better solution is to have a
> real asset node. By that I mean a 'ford mustan '68' node instead of a 'car'
> node.
> Then the case where the subscribes node has no producers property really
> means the Consumer subscribers to the AssetType, and the case where there
> are producers properties, the Consumer subscribers to those specific Assets
> (where Asset is now specific to a producer).
> Then the model will have no foreign keys, only relationships, and a plain
> old standard out-the-box traverser will give you your answer :-)
> Some further clarifications of the relationships I see in the graph:
>   - Assets can have IS_A relationships to AssetTypes
>   - Produces CONTRIBUTE_TO Assets, never AssetTypes (just like Ford
>   produces the 'Ford Mustang', not 'cars')
>   - Consumers can SUBSCRIBE_TO either Assets directly (ie. specific
>   models), or AssetTypes (this deals with your two cases before, but no longer
>   needs ids in properties)
> The traverser can traverse directly from the Producer to the Subscriber
> without any complications. Just follow the right relationships in the right
> order, and only return Subscribers.
> The paths could look like:
> Producer1 --(contributes_to)--> AssetX <--(subscribes_to)-- Consumer1
>                                   |
>                                 (IS_A)
>                                   |
>                                   V
>                            AssetTypeP <--(subscribes_to)-- Consumer2
> Notice that traversing to consumers that are subscribing to specific assets
> (assets by specific producers) is a shorter path than traversing to
> consumers that subscribe to assets by any producer (asset types). This
> should have no impact on the traverser. Just remember to include the IS_A
> relationships type (with the right direction) to get the results you want.
> Cheers, Craig
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Mattias Persson <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Kalin,
>> To begin with I'm not fond of storing ids as properties... that's what
>> relationships are for. So I'd perhaps insert a "middle node" between Asset
>> and Consumer which then also can have relationships to Producers.
>> Anyways, to get that behaviour you can use a filter which will exclude
>> unwanted paths.
>> Traversal.description().uniqueness(RELATIONSHIP_PATH)
>>  .relationships(Contributes_to, OUTGOING)
>>  .relationships(Subscribes_to, INCOMING)
>>  .filter(new Predicate<Path>() {
>>      public boolean accept(Path position) {
>>          if ( position.length() != 2 ) return false;
>>          Relationship subscribesToRel = position.lastRelationship();
>>          if ( /* check properties on subscribesToRel is OK */ ) return
>> true;
>>          return false;
>>      }
>>  });
>> do you need the pruneAfterDepth(2) here? I don't think so because I don't
>> think your traverser will be able to go deeper anyways, but that's just a
>> detail.
>> 2010/11/24 Kalin Wilson <>
>>>  Im enjoying Neo4J so far. The new Traversal framework has a lot of
>>>  potential. However, Id like to propose an extension to the
>>>  RelationshipExpander interface or have someone tell me of another way
>>>  to accomplish a task.
>>>  Here is an outline of the basics of my network:
>>>  Producer  contributes_to => Asset <= subscribes_to Consumer (various
>>>  properties on each type of Node and Relationship)
>>>  A Consumer may subscribe to an Asset generically or the subscribes_to
>>>  relationship may have a property, producers, which is an array of ids
>>>  (long) of Producer nodes that specifically produce assets for that
>>>  Consumer.
>>>  Given a list of Producer nodes, I want to retrieve all paths from a
>>>  Producer to all of its Consumers through Assets. When at an Asset node
>>>  the subscribes_to relationship should only be traversed if the
>>>  relationship has no producers property (meaning the related Consumer
>>>  consumes from all producers of that asset) or if the producers property
>>>  contains the id of the Producer that we started with.
>>>  My first approach was to implement RelationshipExpander to determine
>>>  which relationships from Asset to traverse. However, since all the
>>>  Expand() method has to work with is the current Node, I dont have
>>>  enough information to make the decision above. I would need the current
>>>  Path in order to know what Producer related to the current Asset the
>>>  Traversal came from.
>>>  Right now Im using this description which will give me
>>>  Producer->Asset->Consumer paths but wont exclude based on producers on
>>>  subscribes_to:
>>>  TraversalDescription producerToConsumer = Traversal.description()
>>>  .depthFirst().uniqueness(Uniqueness.RELATIONSHIP_PATH)
>>>  .relationships(RelTypes.Contributes_to, Direction.OUTGOING)
>>>  .relationships(RelTypes.Subscribes_to,Direction.BOTH)
>>>  .prune(Traversal.pruneAfterDepth(2));
>>>  If there is a way to accomplish what I describe above with the current
>>>  framework, Im open to suggestions, including a different network design
>>>  to track the Producer to Consumer relationship as it relates to Asset.
>>>  Alternatively, I suggest that there may be situations where the Path
>>>  context is needed to make the decision on what relationships to
>>>  traverse from a Node, hence perhaps add Expand(Path p) to the
>>>  RelationshipExpander interface.
>>>  Thanks,
>>>  Kalin
>>>  --
>>>   Kalin Wilson
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>> --
>> Mattias Persson, []
>> Hacker, Neo Technology
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