I think in the long run, people are going to switch between servers,
especially if there is some kind of sharding scheme involved.
Regarding the best way to express the deletion of nodes in REST, what
is everyone's opinion? I personally like the deletion via the self
String, what are the implications on logging you are mentioning?


/peter neubauer

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On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Max De Marzi Jr. <> wrote:
> I started working on phase2 for neography, but things got ugly when I
> got to node.delete.
> The node has to know where to delete itself from. Ok we can get that
> from the self string, but what about the logging options?  If we want
> that we have to keep the Neography::Rest object on every node and
> relationship.
> That's kind of ugly.  How likely is it for people to be switching back
> and forth between Neo4j Servers ?
> What's a good use case?  Because if we can get away with just set the
> server options once in Neography::Config and forget it, that would be
> much easier.
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Peter Neubauer
> <> wrote:
>> Good point, add an issue in trac under the rest component and we will add
>> it!
>> /peter - From my cellphone, please excuse typos and brevity...
>> On Nov 30, 2010 8:05 PM, "Max De Marzi Jr." <> wrote:
>>> Peter,
>>> Is there a command to get all nodes from the Rest API?
>>> If not, will one be added?
>>> If not to that, what's the right way to handle it?
>>> On every new node creation link to it from the Root node with some
>>> relationship type?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Max
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