2010/12/2 Schmidt, Dennis <dennis.schm...@sap.com>

> Thanks Peter,
> Updating that version part helped. However, to make it compile properly, I
> need to have both repositiories in the pom. The one you mentioned and the
> old one (http://repo.aduna-software.org/maven2/releases) because otherwise
> I always got an error regarding the download of some sesame files.
> So now it IS compiling and finally running the tests. But I can still find
> no *.jar file (only *.class) and also two of the RmiSailTest tests fail.
> The Stacktrace in both cases
> (org.neo4j.rdf.sail.rmi.RmiSailTest.[testBasic, testFulltextSearch]) is:
> java.io.IOException: Cannot overwrite:
> C:\Downloads\neo4j-rdfsail\target\var\fulltext\_0.cfs
>        at
> org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory.initOutput(FSDirectory.java:362)
>        at
> org.apache.lucene.store.SimpleFSDirectory.createOutput(SimpleFSDirectory.java:58)
>        at
> org.apache.lucene.index.CompoundFileWriter.close(CompoundFileWriter.java:150)
>        at
> org.apache.lucene.index.DocumentsWriter.createCompoundFile(DocumentsWriter.java:627)
>        at
> org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.doFlushInternal(IndexWriter.java:4355)
>        at
> org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.doFlush(IndexWriter.java:4209)
>        at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.flush(IndexWriter.java:4200)
>        at
> org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.closeInternal(IndexWriter.java:2195)
>        at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.close(IndexWriter.java:2158)
>        at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.close(IndexWriter.java:2122)
>        at
> org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext.SimpleFulltextIndex.safeClose(SimpleFulltextIndex.java:261)
>        at
> org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext.SimpleFulltextIndex$IndexingThread.flushEntries(SimpleFulltextIndex.java:808)
>        at
> org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext.SimpleFulltextIndex$IndexingThread.run(SimpleFulltextIndex.java:761)
> org.apache.lucene.store.LockObtainFailedException: Lock obtain timed out:
> simplefsl...@c:\Downloads\neo4j-rdfsail\target\var\fulltext\write.lock
>        at org.apache.lucene.store.Lock.obtain(Lock.java:85)
>        at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.init(IndexWriter.java:1550)
>        at
> org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.&lt;init&gt;(IndexWriter.java:1079)
>        at
> org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext.SimpleFulltextIndex.getWriter(SimpleFulltextIndex.java:210)
>        at
> org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext.SimpleFulltextIndex.access$1300(SimpleFulltextIndex.java:73)
>        at
> org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext.SimpleFulltextIndex$IndexingThread.ensureWriters(SimpleFulltextIndex.java:795)
>        at
> org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext.SimpleFulltextIndex$IndexingThread.run(SimpleFulltextIndex.java:745)
> So my questions now are a) why can't I find a *.jar file and b) is it OK
> (maybe a known issue) that these two tests are failing or how could I
> possibly fix that?

a) How do you package it, with "mvn package" or similar? Maven produces jar
files under target/
b) Those tests aren't failing on my machine (just tested), neither on our build
box <http://buildbox.neo4j.org/hudson/>. Do they fail even with a clean
checkout from subversion, or only with your local modifications (assuming
you have local modifications to some parts of the code when you build). Do
those tests fail if you run them individually also? i.e. only run f.ex.
testBasic() in your test session. It might be a Windows issue though, I'll
try to run it on a Windows machine as well.

> Cheers,
> Dennis
> > Dennis,
> > I upgraded the parent pom to
> >
> > <parent>
> >     <groupId>org.neo4j</groupId>
> >     <artifactId>parent-pom</artifactId>
> >     <version>14</version>
> >   </parent>
> >
> > which is deployed at http://m2.neo4j.org/org/neo4j/parent-pom/14/ , so
> > this should fix your problem. You will notice that the RDF components
> > are running against Neo4j 1.1 . If you like, feel free to upgrade
> > things, and let us know how it works out for you!
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > /peter neubauer
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