On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Andreas Ronge <andreas.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> An Node#isDeleted() method would also be fine.

The way I see it, there are two concerns here.
The first is focused at the lower levels, where the
WriteTransaction/LockReleaser discover an illegal operation - deletion
of an already deleted primitive. This is a hard error and at their
level it should throw an exception and of course set the tx to
rollback only. This is mainly an engineering decision.
The second is the user level where either the same logic should apply
or a check should be made first to make sure things don't go downhill.
Obviously the current approach is the former.
Having just a isDeleted() method is kind of awkward because it would
litter the code with if statements and things would be even worse with
(checked) exceptions. Maybe stealing a bit off the id would be a
better solution and have the NodeImpl/NodeProxy objects do the check
internally. BTW, I think that from a user perspective with the current
kernel such a wrapper object (with a boolean field possibly) would be
the best approach, minimizing the bookkeeping in "business logic"

What I find more interesting to discuss are the semantics of
operations on primitives. At the moment there is no standard to adhere
to and in that respect there is a decision to be made. What I mean is:
what is the proper thing to do, conceptually, when doing basic
primitive manipulations. Since there is an effort to standardize a
graph traversal algebra, a similar thing should be done on a data
definition level, with rationalization and detailed description of
what is the Right Thing (TM) to do when, for instance, one deletes a
Node from a graph, regardless of implementation. Obviously my thinking
is influenced from the relational model, where there are hard
constraints on different things - primary keys are an obvious example
here. In that case, the proper thing to do was to make it propagate a
hard error all the way up and all implementations do exactly that. In
this way, behavior is standardized for all common operations. Should
graph databases, beginning with Neo, undergo a similar process? Such
an effort would give definite answers to most such problems, for
example the "forced"/cascading deletion issue mentioned before.

On the other hand, maybe I am overthinking this.

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