It was me :) As you sent me the access credentials I assumed you knew.



Am 27.02.2011 um 22:46 schrieb Nolan Darilek:

> Hash: SHA1
> Just had a very nice chat with one of you, not sure whom, about Neo4J
> Spatial's future, and we talked briefly about the possibility of a
> remotely-hosted OSM dataset.
> I'm working on Hermes, an accessible navigation platform
> ( You can see an example of what I'm doing at
>,-97.74306 when it's actually
> running. At the moment it's hosting a very small subset of OSM data,
> only Texas, but I'd eventually like to host/access the entire planet.
> This will require a business model, so I'm planning on doing something
> like a $5-$10/month subscription--definitely a bargain when you consider
> that the cheapest accessible GPS costs ~$800. :) An externally-hosted
> and updated OSM planet would be an interesting option, though, and would
> drastically cut costs/requirements on my end.
> Not knowing much about Neo4J just yet, though, I'm wondering what
> considerations I should make in my current designs to allow for this
> possibility should it be available and should I choose to take it?
> For instance, at the moment I have OSM data stored in an H2 database,
> and user points/users stored in MongoDB. This, as you might imagine, is
> messy. First, there are times when I refer to points by their ID--in the
> web services API, for instance--and I have to search for the ID in two
> places. I'm looking forward to storing both types of points in the same
> database such that one place is the definitive dataset. Only, would this
> be doable with the possible hosted solution? that is, can a Neo4J
> instance merge the remote OSM data and the local list of private points
> such that if I ask for everything in a 100-meter radius, then points
> from both sources would automatically appear? Or should I start
> designing some sort of DataSetContainer that searches multiple datasets
> and combines their results?
> Also, is it possible to delegate access to different portions of a
> database? So, for instance, I could host my users and their data locally
> somehow, but still access OSM data remotely, and treat it like the same
> database?
> I realize this won't be happening too terribly soon, but having just
> redesigned a rather fundamental piece of my core API to make it
> dataset-agnostic, I'd kind of like to avoid having to do that again in
> the near future if I can avoid it. :) So if I know how these things are
> expected to work, then I can know whether or not my current
> single-dataset design is usable.
> Thanks.
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