Hi Nolan,

Sorry about that. The graphdb components needs to be built without any external 
repository dependencies. Unfortunately JBoss does not sync netty with maven 
central (some JBoss stuff does, though). 

This next milestone release will replace that dependency with a third-party 
packaging which is available on maven central. 


On Mar 8, 2011, at 12:13 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:

> On 03/05/2011 12:50 PM, Andreas Kollegger wrote:
>> Did `sbt update` fail?
> Yes, actually, it just did for me. I just blew away my ~/.ivy2, my ~/.m2 
> and tried again, getting the update failures. Adding the JBoss 
> repository helps.
> Now I'm getting errors resolving org.neo4j.neo4j-spatial 0.5-SNAPSHOT. 
> Is it not published to the snapshots repository?
> As an aside, I'm not sure why I'm having so many local repository issues 
> with these projects. Other projects just seem to work, but the org.neo4j 
> projects seem to require me to blow away my .m2/.ivy directories 
> regularly. I'm not sure if that's a consequence of me combining Maven 
> local repositories  and my Ivy cache, but it definitely seems to behave 
> differently than every other project I've built locally.
> Anyhow, I'm rebuilding the latest Git checkout and will see if the old 
> errors persist, or indeed if I can now fetch the right dependencies.
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