could you provide the REST sequence you are doing, so I could
reproduce the case? Basically, inserting a node, creating an index,
adding the ndoe to it and retrieve it.

Is that possible?


/peter neubauer

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On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Kevin Dieter <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a .Net application that makes heavy use of entities (nodes) and
> relationships between them.  I am currently using a SQL database to manage
> this, but I know it won't scale the way I need it to, so I am looking to
> implement Neo4j as a solution.  I am using the server and REST APIs and I've
> been able to create nodes, relationships, and properties with no problems.
> I have a couple of questions:
> 1) Since I will keep the SQL database as part of my app to store and manage
> other data elements (including some properties associated with the entities
> that will be in the neo4j db) is it better to:
>  (A) add the neo4j node.Id value to my SQL database to use as a lookup when
> getting neo4j nodes, or
>  (B) add a property to each node (i.e. an identifier from the SQL db
> associated with the entity/node), index it in neo4j, and then
> search/retrieve nodes by their property value?
> 2) My initial answer to question #1 was (B) and I have been trying to figure
> out the indexing functionality in neo4j but have hit a wall.  I keep getting
> 404 errors when attempting to add a node to the index.  I haven't been able
> to get the cURL command (
> to
> work either.
> Am I approaching this wrong?  Any tips from anyone using the indexing REST
> API from .Net?
> I am running 1.3.M03.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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