Greeting fellow graphistas,

Keeping up with the release schedule, today we present the fourth
milestone towards the 1.3 “Abisko Lampa” version of Neo4j. The most
important feature of this release is of course the expansion of the
storage layer to allow for even more entities, but also includes
improvements on the testing methodology used for Windows builds and
the REST interface for Indexing operations. As always, extended
details are available in the announcement post, reachable at

There you can read a comprehensive description of the new features,
however a special mention must be made to the new store format.

This milestone of Neo4j brings with it an updated store version that
allows for an 8x increase in the possible number of Nodes and
Relationships and 16x increase for the number of Properties. All this
happens without increasing the size of the database so you can go
right ahead and upgrade, certain in the knowledge that everything will
be done in place. A few words of caution are in order, though.

An upgrade will not happen unless you explicitly request it - just
pass in the configuration parameter “allow_store_upgrade” as “true” -
otherwise an exception will be thrown that advises you to do just that
and your store will be left untouched. There are some additional
requirements for the upgrade to succeed, such as less than 65536
RelationshipTypes stored, but if you do not satisfy those the upgrade
procedure will inform you of what the exact problem is and leave your
store untouched.
Finally, note that after a successful upgrade your database will be
unreadable by previous versions. So keep in mind that while safe, this
is a one way procedure.
You can find more details on the subject at

We invite you to try out these new features and provide us with your
ever valuable feedback.

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