1. Removing an index is not exposed, possible to add with a server 
2. One can easily store the index-names as node properties with the indexing 
operation - that's also something that could be automated via an server plugin.
3. Same goes for auto removal, btw. it is also necessary for relationships, so 
perhaps an operation removing a node and its relationships (and all of those 
from their indexes) would be sensible.
4. Query exact is looking for the exact match, Advanced Query takes also lucene 
query strings and partial matches like (Matr*), for advanced-query fulltext 
matches the values must have been indexed on a fulltext index.

It should be a matter of a few hours of coding to provide a server plugin that 
does the above. 



Am 13.04.2011 um 21:46 schrieb Javier de la Rosa:

> Hi all, at first congratulations for the new GA release of Neo4j.
> Really great job.
> I'm now developing the support for indexes and I have changed a bit
> the compatibility with neo4j.py due to currently it doesn't work with
> nodes indexes neither relationships indexes.
> But I have some related questions:
> 1. How can I remove an index?
> 2. Would it be possible, when I get the info of a node, also provide
> the indexes in which the node has been indexed?
> 3. What it happens if I remove a node that it's already indexed? Is it
> removed from the index too?
> 4. What's the real difference between the query exact method and the
> advanced query? I mean, using only the advanced query, are you able to
> query in exact mode?
> -- 
> Javier de la Rosa
> http://versae.es
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