as Michael mentioned, if you take both directions of relationships,
you are within the TX trying to remove the relationship from both
ends, thus ending up with that error.


/peter neubauer

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On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Akhil <azk...@cse.psu.edu> wrote:
> Ok, This is what i did,
> i changed the line in the code to now look like this : by adding
> "Direction.INCOMING" in the parameter and the error went away,
> Iterable<Relationship> rel = node.getRelationships(Direction.INCOMING);
> I am curious on why this would have fixed this !!
> And why
>     getRelationships()
>         OR getRelationships(Direction.BOTH)
> AND getRelationships(Direction.OUTCOMING) would give errors.
> Akhillius
> On 4/16/2011 5:27 AM, Akhil wrote:
>> I loaded close to 10k and 41k relationships nodes in the database and
>> i then tried to delete all of the nodes and relationships. This is the
>> following code below.
>> public static void main(String[] args) {
>>         graphDb = new EmbeddedGraphDatabase(DB_PATH);
>>         nodeIndex = graphDb.index().forNodes(INDEX_NAME);
>>         GraphDbMethods.registerShutdownHook(graphDb);
>>         Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx();
>>         Iterable<Node> allNodes = graphDb.getAllNodes();
>>         for (Node node : allNodes) {
>>             if (node.getId() != 0) {
>>                 if (node.getId() != 0) {
>>                     Iterable<Relationship> rel = node.getRelationships();
>>                     for (Relationship relationship : rel) {
>>                         relationship.delete(); // error occurs here
>>                     }
>>                     node.delete();
>>                 }
>>                 nodeIndex.remove(node);
>>             }
>>         }
>>         tx.success();
>>         tx.finish();
>>         System.out.println("Shutting down database ...");
>>         graphDb.shutdown();
>>     }
>> I get the " illegalStateException:Relationship[3130] has been deleted
>> in this tx" error and this transaction rolls back.
>> Plz help
>> Akhillius
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