2011/4/25 Chris Gioran <chris.gio...@neotechnology.com>:
> If I understand you correctly, you want to create groups of your nodes
> + relationships that exist in your graph. The way you do that depends
> on some things.
> 1. What is the degree of logical separation you desire? If two nodes,
> A and B have a relationship in common, will they always end up in the
> same category? If not, should the relationship remain?*
> 2. How do you plan to access those nodes? If you want to find out the
> category of nodes and relationships as you iterate over your data,
> then maybe a tagging property would work. If you want direct access to
> the nodes that belong to a category, an option is a "supernode" which
> represents that category and have it relate to every node that belongs
> to it.
> Creating a tagging property has the advantage of being indexable and
> works both on nodes and relationships. A "supernode" (the quotes are
> justified since we are talking about a simple node that just receives
> special semantics, not some inherently different node kind) is a more
> graphy way of doing things and probably faster too.
Example of tagging property:

   // Add
   Node resource = graphDb.createNode();
   resource.setProperty( "category", "some category" );
   categoryIndex.add( resource, "category", resource.getProperty(
"category" ) );

   // Get
   for ( Node resource : categoryIndex.get( "category", "some category" ) ) {
       // Each resource with that category

Example of having the tags as nodes with relationships to its group members:

   // Add
   // TODO: check if the category you're creating exists first,
   //             or create all categories up front
   Node category = categoryIndex.get( "name", "some category" ).getSingle();
   Node resource = graphDb.createNode();
   resource.createRelationshipTo( category, CATEGORY );

   // Get
   Node category = categoryIndex.get( "name", "some category" ).getSingle();
   for ( Relationship rel : category.getRelationships( CATEGORY,
Direction.INCOMING ) ) {
       Node resource = rel.getStartNode();

Where the latter solution is traversal friendly, whereas the former isn't.

> I am sure there are other ways and I would also like to see how people
> categorize entities in their graphs.
> *What currently cannot be done is role-based "hard" separation of
> nodes. Suppose there are two nodes, a and b with a relation a-->b. Say
> a ends up in category A and b in category B and the relationship
> stays. If someone with access to A accesses a, then she will be able
> to access b, no matter what.
> cheers,
> CG
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:53 PM, pooja naik <npooj...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Thanks for a prompt response.
>> I am trying to create a Network Graph Infrastructure for SP 's , in such a
>> way that they can lease out the parts of this network infrastructure to
>> other small companies.
>> This requirement make it necessary to create a logical boundary on the main
>> Network graph , in other words to create a overlay graphs on the underlying
>> physical graph.
>> Does "categories" would still help me here?
>> Is there any another way to do it?
>> Let me know
>> Thanks n Regards
>> Pooja
>> ________________________________
>> From: Chris Gioran <chris.gio...@neotechnology.com>
>> To: Neo4j user discussions <user@lists.neo4j.org>
>> Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 11:34 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Regarding Sub grouping In Graph DB
>> Hi Pooja,
>> what would qualify as a subcategory in your use case?
>> The most straightforward thing I can come up with is a property in
>> each node named "category" or something similar, that has an
>> enumerated value (not a Java Enumeration but something treated as
>> such) that would place the node in its category. This is one of many
>> ways to go ahead, depending on what degrees of separation you want,
>> flexibility etc.
>> Could you elaborate a little on what you are trying to do?
>> cheers,
>> CG
>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:27 PM, pooja naik <npooj...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am using ne04j for a IP network resource graph in my project.
>>> I would like to know whether there is a way to divide the graphical
>>> network into sub categories in neo4j?
>>> Any help or pointers is appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> Pooja
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