Oops, hit "send" too early.

To finish up:

once the user clicks for more results, they get something very similar to
Google search results, and they can scroll through the pages.  Again, very
easy with mysql using LIMIT.  Would really love to eliminate the mysql
implementation since it takes up a lot of memory on the server.

I was a bit disappointed in the speed of the Index searching.  The mysql
fulltext searches are usually subsecond, but with Lucene I was sometimes
seeing over 10 seconds to come back with results.  Maybe because it has to
create so many Nodes + sending it over the wire?  Any suggestions on
improving the speed or am I stuck with mysql until paging is implemented in


On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 9:41 PM, Todd Chaffee <t...@mikamai.com> wrote:

> Just thought I'd weigh in on the paging of REST results.  It's essential
> for my app and is unfortunately forcing me to stick with mysql for part of
> the app.  I hope a couple of concrete examples will help.
> 1) Drop down AJAX type-ahead showing the first 4 results of searching for a
> someone's name.  2m names total as nodes.  This is working ok with mysql
> because I can use LIMIT so over the wire I only send back 4 results.  If the
> user types "David" there are over 7000 nodes that match.  Eliminates the
> possibility of using the REST query api.
> A deeper concern is the Index api for Neo4j does not expose the Lucene
> IndexSearch fields that would allow something giving an offset when
> retrieving a document.  I.e.
> Document doc = hits.doc(offset);
> If it did, I would be tempted to write my own plugin, but it seems in this
> case I would have to extend Index
> For the final example, once the user sees the dropdown, it's highly
> unlikely that "their" David is in the top four results from the AJAX
> type-ahead, so there is an option to "click for more results".  That brings
> them to a
> --
> MIKAMAI | Making Media Social
> http://mikamai.com
> +447868260229


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