Is that simply set as a system property or via the Map passed as the second 
parameter to the BatchInserterImpl constructor?  I've tried both and doesn't 
seem to help.  Is there some way I can verify that it's being used?

I'm using 1.3 

On 1 Jun 2011, at 18:49, Michael Hunger wrote:

> you could use cache_type=weak
> in the db properties
> you can easily introspect java programs (heap) using jmap jconsole or visualvm
> what version of neo4j are you using?
> index.flush just sets a flag for immediate index querying
> Sent from my iBrick4
> Am 01.06.2011 um 19:18 schrieb Paul Bandler <>:
>> I have a simple program that uses the BatchInserter to load rows from a SQL 
>> database and am running it on a modestly configured Windows machine with 2GB 
>> of RAM and setting the max heap to 500M.
>> Initially it was running out of memory quite soon so I introduced a flush 
>> after every 5000 nodes and it appeared that all was well.  But having got 
>> further in the data load it appears to hop along nicely but the memory 
>> allocated (simply visible using windows task manager) grows and grows until 
>> I suspect it's reached its max heap size and it's written about 2M nodes 
>> then abruptly stops making any further discernible progress.  It doesn't 
>> fail, just the logging I've put in to log every 5000 nodes has stopped and 
>> the CPU is 100% used - garbage collecting I suspect.
>> Is there something I should be doing periodically in addition to the    
>> index flush to stop the heap exhaustion?  My code is really simple, here's 
>> the method for loading nodes from each table:-
>> public long restoreCollection() {
>>      resolveSql();
>>      _log.debug("restore collection:" + getCollectionName() + " using: "
>>              + _sql + " and:" + Arrays.deepToString(_columns));
>>      final BatchInserterIndex _index = makeIndex();
>>      final long collectionNode = _inserter.createNode("name",
>>              getCollectionName()));
>>      _log.debug("Query db...");
>>      getJdbcTemplate().query(_sql, new Object[] {},
>>              new RowCallbackHandler() {
>>                  public void processRow(ResultSet row) throws SQLException {
>>                      final Map<String, Object> properties = 
>> extractproperties(row);
>>                      long node = _inserter.createNode(properties);
>>                      _inserter.createRelationship(node, collectionNode,
>>                              RdmRelationship.MEMBER_OF, null);
>>                      if (_index != null)
>>                          for (DbColumn col : _columns) {
>>                              if (col.isIndexed())
>>                                  _index.add(node,,
>>                                          properties.get(col.getName())));
>>                          }
>>                      _collectionSize++;
>>                      if ((_collectionSize % FLUSH_INTERVAL == 0)) {
>>                          if (_index != null)
>>                              _index.flush();
>>                          _log.debug("Added node:" + _collectionSize
>>                                  + " to: " + getCollectionName());
>>                      }
>>                  }
>>              });
>>      // long collectionNode = -1;
>>      if (_index != null) {
>>          _index.flush();
>>      }
>>      _log.debug("Completed restoring " + _collectionSize + " to: "
>>              + getCollectionName());
>>      return collectionNode;
>>  }
>> and then around that a higher level function that handles all tables:-
>>  public void run() {
>>      throwIfNull(_restorers, "Restorers missing");
>>      throwIfNull(_inserter, "Batch inserter missing");
>>      int totalNodes = 0;
>>      int totalRelationships = 0;
>>      try {
>>          for (CollectionRestorer r : _restorers) {
>>              long collection = r.restoreCollection();
>>              totalNodes += r.getCollectionSize();
>>              _inserter.createRelationship(_inserter.getGraphDbService()
>>                      .getReferenceNode().getId(), collection,
>>                      RdmRelationship.CLASS_EXTENT, null);
>>          }
>>          for (ParentChildRelationshipBuilder r : _relators) {
>>              r.makeRelationships();
>>              totalRelationships += r.getRelations();
>>          }
>>      } finally {
>>          _inserter.shutdown();
>>"Batch inserter shutdown.  Created: " + totalNodes + " 
>> nodes and "
>>                  + totalRelationships + " relationships");
>>      }
>>  }
>> Any suggestions welcome.
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