
Recently someone asked a question on StackOverflow, if Neo4j Spatial was
capable of one of the Oracle geoprocessing funtions, SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT
specifically. Since this is related to the ongoing GSoC projects for Neo4j
Spatial, I thought I would do a quick investigation. What I found was that
the requested capabilities are available in JTS (which we include in Neo4j
Spatial), but with very different names. The code to achieve this in JTS is
'new LengthIndexedLine(geometry).extractPoint(measure,offset)'. I have
wrapped these in the
SpatialTopologyUtils.locatePoint(geometry,measure,offset), so that it is
accessible together with some other spatial topology functions, and also
looks more like the Oracle function.

I pushed this to github, and think it can be included as a prototype for the
discussions for the GSoC on Geoprocessing.

Regards, Craig
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