Hi everyone,

after weeks of experimentation, we finally migrated one of our apps features
to neo4j. But now that we are about to deploy the app to our staging server,
we discovered a small problem with the server configuration. We have checked
the manual at
http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/1.4.M03/server-configuration.html and followed
the suggested configuration, but we are not getting the expected results.

What we are trying to achieve is to bind the server to localhost, so it is
no longer accessible from outside. We restricted access to IPv4 in the
wrapper config and set the webadmin data and manage uri to
http://localhost:7474. But when starting the server it still binds to the

Here is the output of the start process. Check the last line, where it
states that the server is started on http://OUR_DOMAIN:7474/

6/8/11 1:44:46 PM org.neo4j.server.database.Database INFO: Using database at
6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.modules.DiscoveryModule INFO: Mounted
discovery module at [/]
6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.modules.RESTApiModule INFO: Mounted REST
API at [http://localhost:7474/db/data/]
6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.modules.ManagementApiModule INFO: Mounted
management API at [http://localhost:7474/db/manage/]
6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.modules.WebAdminModule INFO: Mounted
webadmin at [/webadmin]
6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.NeoServerWithEmbeddedWebServer INFO:
Starting Neo Server on port [7474]
6/8/11 1:44:47 PM org.neo4j.server.web.Jetty6WebServer INFO: Mounting static
content at [/webadmin] from [webadmin-html]
6/8/11 1:44:48 PM org.neo4j.server.NeoServerWithEmbeddedWebServer INFO:
Server started on [http://OUR_DOMAIN:7474/]

I am pretty sure that I have missed something, but I cannot figure out what.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

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